Whitelist Request
Posted: August 11th, 2012, 4:47 am
Minecraft Name: Redsoldier_16 (all caps)
Real name: Kyle
Age: 14 years old
Location: East Coast
Languages I speak: English, and I've learned a bit of spanish (not fluent).
What do you want to do on this server?: Because I would like to express my building expertise, make friends, and become part of your nice little community.
Why do you want to play on this server?: Answered up there ^
Where did you hear about this server?: From my good friend Jason, aka LumpyCustard (That's his steam name, I don't know his minecraft one.)
Have you griefed before?: Yes, I have griefed when I first got minecraft (LIke a year and a half ago). I totally regret griefing, since back then, I didn't know the affect it would have on my current day reputation. And if you think I would grief, why the heck would I try to get into to a whitelisted server just to grief? I just want to build and hang out. To save you trouble, here is my mcbans profile: http://www.mcbans.com/player/REDSOLDIER_16.
Short Description of yourself:
I very much enjoy technology, I have experience in programming (Java, and C++), Avid videogame player, aswell as minecraft.
Hope to join the server-
Redsoldier_16 AKA Kyle
Real name: Kyle
Age: 14 years old
Location: East Coast
Languages I speak: English, and I've learned a bit of spanish (not fluent).
What do you want to do on this server?: Because I would like to express my building expertise, make friends, and become part of your nice little community.
Why do you want to play on this server?: Answered up there ^
Where did you hear about this server?: From my good friend Jason, aka LumpyCustard (That's his steam name, I don't know his minecraft one.)
Have you griefed before?: Yes, I have griefed when I first got minecraft (LIke a year and a half ago). I totally regret griefing, since back then, I didn't know the affect it would have on my current day reputation. And if you think I would grief, why the heck would I try to get into to a whitelisted server just to grief? I just want to build and hang out. To save you trouble, here is my mcbans profile: http://www.mcbans.com/player/REDSOLDIER_16.
Short Description of yourself:
I very much enjoy technology, I have experience in programming (Java, and C++), Avid videogame player, aswell as minecraft.
Hope to join the server-
Redsoldier_16 AKA Kyle