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Unban Appeal Sindows

Posted: July 29th, 2012, 11:59 pm
by Sindows
First of I understand max says that second ban is forever but if you at least read this appeal you will see why I think I should be unbanned. Also READ THE ADDITIONAL INFO!

IGN: Sindows
Why were you banned?: "Compromising an admins account." <-- This is not the case i will explain in additional info.
Have you ever used hacks?: Yes
If so, have you ever hacked on our server?: Yes, I have in once.
Why do you want to be unbanned?: In short; I like Mc.Maxloader.Nl a lot. Recently I have been playing a lot of X-Box, and when I was banned I was starting to really want to play Minecraft. I understand that I could play on another sever but I have always enjoyed Mc.Maxloader.Nl and no other server would quite be the same.
Why do you think we will unban you?: I don't think you will unban me. I at least just hope you will understand that I thought this to be a practical joke, and if i had known it would be considered "Compromising an admins account." I would not have done it in the first place.
Have you re-read the rules?: By the time you read this I will have re-read the rules. At the point that I am posting this no only because i want to get this up A.S.A.P.
Do you understand that if you commit any such offenses in the future, you will not be unbanned?: I understand that what I did is wrong and why it is wrong. In the future, seeing if/when I am unbanned, I will commit no such offenses unless it is by shear accident or a misunderstanding (much like this one was).
Any additional info?: What had happened was that I used session stealer to /kickall when only Ace, Puppy, and I were online. I know Ace I.R.L. and had figured it would be a funny, harmless practical joke. Ace had thought otherwise and banned me. At the time it did not register to me that Ace was now an Admin and not just a Mod. Yes I did say that, "Your the only admin person online, so it must have been you!"(paraphrased) but I mend Admin as in someone that can use commands. I understand if you do not wish to unban me, but I just beg you to at least understand that I meant no harm and meant this to only be a practical joke. Im sorry.

Re: Unban Appeal Sindows

Posted: July 30th, 2012, 12:02 am
by Sindows

Re: Unban Appeal Sindows

Posted: July 30th, 2012, 11:44 am
by Maxloader
Sindows wrote: What had happened was that I used session stealer
This alone is reason enough to let you not back in.
People that know how to find or using those sort of tools scare me and i don't want anything to do with them.

You will not be unbanned again, as this is your second offence and have done more questionable things in the past.

Re: Unban Appeal Sindows

Posted: July 30th, 2012, 11:53 am
by Maxloader
On another note: you are still welcome on the forum.

Re: Unban Appeal Sindows

Posted: July 31st, 2012, 12:40 pm
by Gazoid
No one is going to want you back.

You are a fool.

Re: Unban Appeal Sindows

Posted: July 31st, 2012, 4:31 pm
by Sindows
Thank you for the wonderful insult Gaz, but I do understand were you are coming from. I didn't expect to be be unbaned but thank you Max for allowing me to remain on the forums. I am grateful for that. On a second note yes Gaz I've been pretty stupid over the corse of my time playing Minecraft. Honestly, I guess its just easier for me to screw around. I hope you can at least keep an open mind to my future posts on the form and reply in a logical way keeping my past out of it (Such as project suggestions for players, replays to any post, and live map talk). Thanks.

Re: Unban Appeal Sindows

Posted: July 31st, 2012, 4:32 pm
by Sindows
Honestly, I guess its just easier for me to screw around
I meant Honestly, I guess its just easier for me to screw around when I am playing a game.

Re: Unban Appeal Sindows

Posted: July 31st, 2012, 5:32 pm
by wlollpop
Gazoid wrote:No one is going to want you back.

You are a fool.
is that like a quote or something

Re: Unban Appeal Sindows

Posted: July 31st, 2012, 11:19 pm
by Midevele1
wlollpop wrote:
Gazoid wrote:No one is going to want you back.

You are a fool.
is that like a quote or something
It is now.

Re: Unban Appeal Sindows

Posted: July 31st, 2012, 11:41 pm
by Midevele1
Hehehe :coolface:

Re: Unban Appeal Sindows

Posted: August 1st, 2012, 5:14 pm
by Sindows
LOL! I love it... I should make it my wall paper :megusta:

Re: Unban Appeal Sindows

Posted: August 1st, 2012, 5:15 pm
by Sindows
BTW what is the B on gaz's shirt stand for?

Re: Unban Appeal Sindows

Posted: August 1st, 2012, 5:27 pm
by Maxloader
Its B for Botra (Brothers On The Road Again)

Re: Unban Appeal Sindows

Posted: August 1st, 2012, 5:33 pm
by Sindows
Wate then why is Botra called Bortra if it stays in one place cuz its a city? :coolface:

Re: Unban Appeal Sindows

Posted: August 1st, 2012, 7:17 pm
by Maxloader
cuz botra has nothing to do with minecraft in the first place, its Gazoid and EddyT's brotherhood

Re: Unban Appeal Sindows

Posted: August 2nd, 2012, 1:58 am
by bulldog0411
guys u fool

sessionstealer = easy
even JER (bulldog0411) no how use and jer dont no how to fucking spell whear ok i support the notion of sindows being unbanned it was a simple prank and harmed no one at all so i say lift the ban hammer I WANT SINDOWS BACK U FOOLS

and yes i no one does not simply walk into max loader forum after ban hammer has spoken and say unbanned it but seriously
LoVe BULLDOG0411 Kiss kiss :lolguy: :coolface: notch :mrgreen:

Re: Unban Appeal Sindows

Posted: August 2nd, 2012, 2:50 am
by scope_ion
bulldog0411 wrote:guys u fool

sessionstealer = easy
even JER (bulldog0411) no how use and jer dont no how to fucking spell whear ok i support the notion of sindows being unbanned it was a simple prank and harmed no one at all so i say lift the ban hammer I WANT SINDOWS BACK U FOOLS

and yes i no one does not simply walk into max loader forum after ban hammer has spoken and say unbanned it but seriously
LoVe BULLDOG0411 Kiss kiss :lolguy: :coolface: notch :mrgreen:
I can fix your spelling.

You fools!

Sessionstealer = easy

Even JER (bulldog0411) knows how use it and Jer doesn't know how to fucking spell where. OK, I support the notion of Sindows being unbanned, it was a simple prank and harmed no one at all. I say lift the ban hammer, I WANT SINDOWS BACK YOU FOOLS!

And yes, I know one does not simply walk into Maxloader forum after ban hammer has spoken and say "unbanned meh!!!111!!1!" but seriously.

Love BULLDOG0411 Kiss kiss :lolguy: :coolface: notch :mrgreen:

Re: Unban Appeal Sindows

Posted: August 2nd, 2012, 5:13 am
by Sindows
Thankyou bulldog. I think bulldog here has the correct idea. Session stealer is something anyone can learn in a matter of min. Meaning that I am no more dangerous than anyone can potentuly be. also I do not feel I deserve a second unban because I truly feel in y heart that this ban is un fair and un just. If I had known this would have been ban material it would have never happend, all I was doing was thinking that this would be a funny joke that me and ace would be able to laugh about and from te beginning he would understand. But insted I receive a ban for something that I thought and beleved 100% to be taken as a joke and continue on enjoying maxloader. Sorry fo the bad spelling and such I am on my iPod.

Re: Unban Appeal Sindows

Posted: August 2nd, 2012, 8:58 am
by Maxloader
Its not about how 'easy' something is.
It's about if you do it or don't.

I mean, it's easy to Rob an old lady but you don't. its disrespectful.
Clearly if you use these kind of tools in the server you are not interested in serious play.

Re: Unban Appeal Sindows

Posted: August 2nd, 2012, 11:39 am
by Gazoid
If you purposefully session steal an admin's account, then you're a asking for trouble.

I expect you thought that you wouldn't get caught and wanted to do some trolling.

Either way, there was malicious intent.

Re: Unban Appeal Sindows

Posted: August 2nd, 2012, 5:59 pm
by Sindows
Gaz I must admit you are right on some levels. I did not think I would get caught because I dident think I would be banned because I dident think what I did would be ban material. Also you can not compare it to stealing a lady's bag because I did not hurt anyone in anyway all I did was clear the server of people for about 2 sec. Honestly I was nt interested in playing minecraft for awoke and this happen right as I was starting to want to play agean. Humans being a social species wish to be with on another (normally) and playing mc alone is only fun for so long. You can talk to wloll mid or bulldog and I am positive all pf them would say I would never want to hurt someone that I have some sort of connection to. Maxloader is a server that many people that I enjoy spending time with play. Now think what try would do if thay found put I were to cause substantial harm to the server. So overall I wouldent want to do anything wrong in maxloader. The only reason this happend is because I dident think I would be banned for it. And I do not think this would be such a big deal be cause it did not cause ANY harm!

Re: Unban Appeal Sindows

Posted: August 2nd, 2012, 6:29 pm
by Gazoid
You compromised an admin's account, and kicked everyone from the server.

Perhaps you can find another server to play on with your friends if you have any left, and learn from your mistakes.

Trust is earned, and you chose to throw all of yours away.

Re: Unban Appeal Sindows

Posted: August 2nd, 2012, 6:31 pm
by scope_ion
Sindows wrote: The only reason this happend is because I dident think I would be banned for it.
And would you grief if you didn't think you would be banned? (Hopefully) No, It's common sense.

Re: Unban Appeal Sindows

Posted: August 2nd, 2012, 6:52 pm
by wlollpop
Maxloader wrote:
I mean, it's easy to Rob an old lady but you don't. its disrespectful.
what if that old ladie's name is

Re: Unban Appeal Sindows

Posted: August 2nd, 2012, 8:32 pm
by sam-the-man
wlollpop wrote:
Maxloader wrote:
I mean, it's easy to Rob an old lady but you don't. its disrespectful.
what if that old ladie's name is
Then of course, go ahead.

Re: Unban Appeal Sindows

Posted: August 2nd, 2012, 9:24 pm
by GeeDave
I don't really know what's going on, but I feel kinda bad for the kid. The only thing that makes any of this debatable (in my opinion) is the fact that he knows Ace in real life.

This of course does not detract from the fact that the server belongs to Max, and it was the server (especially the rules) that was abused more than the players. So, Sindows... yes it was a pretty harmless joke, and I can see where you're coming from, but it was in direct violation of server rules. Couple that with whatever it was that caused you to get banned in the first place (I don't know what that was), and it's pretty obvious that you can't be trusted. It's not a matter of learning your lesson unfortunately, as this is your second offence. Max would be foolish to allow someone on who needs to be told "X is bad, Y is bad too" whenever you break the rules.

Also, I'm guessing you vowed to never break the rules again after your first un-ban? So saying you won't mess up again now doesn't hold much substance.

I'm not without sympathy for you, and I'm sure if this was a first offence you'd be let off, but your past must be taken into consideration because... in the words of a Dark Knight, "it's what we do that defines us", and you dropped the ball, twice.

Re: Unban Appeal Sindows

Posted: August 3rd, 2012, 3:33 am
by wlollpop
so i was like thinking maybe we should put him on PAROLE after 1 month of helpful foruming and only be allowed on if theres an admin on for the rest of his LIFE and there you have it

Re: Unban Appeal Sindows

Posted: August 3rd, 2012, 10:55 am
by sam-the-man
Thats actually a really good idea...

Re: Unban Appeal Sindows

Posted: August 3rd, 2012, 12:48 pm
by Maxloader
So much like babysitting him? lol
I don't think anyone wants to do that.

Also: when Sindows ask you to join a server or something, don't do it because he will steal your session.

PS: I saw some tutorial video's that made me completely rage and now I banned everyone involved in those video's

Re: Unban Appeal Sindows

Posted: August 4th, 2012, 4:44 am
by mlockh19
So I've been watching this thread, and it seems about time I weigh in.

Frankly Sindows, I do not believe you should be unbanned, and my decision has very little to do with what you did, but rather what you've done since you were banned. During this post, I may make references to Sindows' post history, available here.

One of the first things I noticed after you were banned is that suddenly you were everywhere on the forum,posting in all sorts of topics, and in some, trying to guilt admins into unbanning you. So I took a look at your post history. It's interesting that almost all of your posts have been during times when you were banned from the server. Coincidence? I THINK NOT.

I also took a look at your most recent banning, but not at the reason you were banned, at how you reacted after the fact. Honestly, I don't think your sorry about what you did. In this thread, you've consistently tried to defend what you did, calling it different things, and not facing the truth. While you did not gain access to Ace's account information, you did, albeit for a short period, have access to all commands accessible to an admin on this server; Commands that were entrusted to Ace, not you. You had no right to do what you did, and you immediately lost any trust that you may have earned. What scares me more than you doing this, however, is that you did not see it as wrong. If you cannot determine right from wrong, how can we consider unbanning you? Would we have to ban you again next time something like this happens, and restart this process again?

I have more to say, but I feel as if this post is getting a bit long-winded and think I have made my point well enough.