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Post by Taldiia » July 21st, 2012, 5:31 am

Ok guys im going to be starting a project that is going to be themed on iconic places in World of Warcraft the MMORPG these places are going to be all the alliance Faction Cites, Ice Crown Citadel, Black Temple, Dalaran, (and maybe Shattrath City) help would be appreciated :) if you want to see pics of these places i will put links below. First Project is going to To be ICC (Or Ice Crown Citadel) now i got fallen to help me with the design (atleast the blocks i would need and broad statement of where they should be) i will put that below as well!
The Exodar:
Shattrath City:
Black Temple:
Icc(Ice Crown Citadel):

as far as block choosing i would go with mainly smooth stone and obsidian since it looks smooth and has that really dark look. For the main door (i think) it looks like it has a gold trim so i would do gold blocks for that, make it look really fancy.
It looks like there is kind of a ring around the spikes so maybe a few iron blocks, im not sure how you could really make a nice point without the whole thing just being massive, maybe iron bars at the top might make it look smaller. The floor looks like it has sort of a small tile design so either stone brick or stone slabs. I would really try to emphasize the depth of the structure like the groove type things that come out, make them go out at least 3 or 4 blocks, the archway thing above the door possibly make the bottom stick out a little more than the top, like it's sinking into the structure, maybe sticking out 2 or 3 blocks at the beginning and go down to 1 at the top. To make the whole thing darker you could almost create a fake sky out of blue/white wool at level 256 so shade would cover up most of the land and darken all the stone.
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Re: Wow!

Post by Gazoid » July 21st, 2012, 11:18 am

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Re: Wow!

Post by Midevele1 » July 21st, 2012, 5:00 pm



Re: Wow!

Post by LumpyCustard7 » July 21st, 2012, 5:55 pm

pick something less famuz

recreate cny in minecraft. jk you can't lul

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Re: Wow!

Post by Taldiia » July 21st, 2012, 7:04 pm

Bitches know me, I'm Joey 'Taldiia' M Smith. I drink, smoke and don't exercise

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Re: Wow!

Post by GeeDave » July 21st, 2012, 10:56 pm

I wouldn't worry about whether or not it's been done before. If you want to do it, go nuts!

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Re: Wow!

Post by scope_ion » July 22nd, 2012, 1:07 am

I'll help, this looks like it would be pretty fun. Going to take a lot of resources though.
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Re: Wow!

Post by Maxloader » July 23rd, 2012, 8:38 pm

The things gazoid sent are not hand made but converted with a tool.
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