Yes... I sir, am a gamer.
Posted: May 26th, 2012, 11:08 pm
Yes... but that isnt a gift, it is a earned trait. Let me just list SOME of the games I have... Only the ones available on my steam account RIGHT NOW.So you just pick up a game and are instantly good at it
Not all are Installed (I'll put * in front of the 10 currently installed and one more * for Red Orchistra 2 that is reinstalling right now)
This list does not count the LARGE number of game DVDs/CDs that consume the shelves of my desk.
This list does not count the MASSIVE number of games in my "RETRO" box stored away NEXT to my desk.
This list does not count the GREAT MANY games I... didnt buy... stored on my external hard drive or burned to DVDs.
This list does not count the HANDFULL of games I have from OTHER Online distribution sources such as Origin or Direct from creators IE Minecraft
ONLY the games on my STEAM account! I even kicked out any derp crap like Ricochet and Half-life deathmatch/blueshift BS that doesnt count.
I didnt even add any of the many mods to these games I played the bajesus out of.
Here it goes:
688(I) Hunter/Killer
Aaaaaa! A Reckless Disreguard for Gravity
AI WAR Fleet Command
Aliens VS Predator
Arx Fatalis
The Ball
Battlefield Bad Company 2
Battlestations Midway
*Battlestations Pacific
Bioshock 2
Blood Bowl Legendary Edition
Call of Duty Black Ops
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2
Company of Heroes Tales of Valor
Counter Strike
Counter Strike Condition Zero
Counter Strike Source
Dangerous Waters
Dark Messiah Might and Magic
Darkest Hour Europe '44 - '45
Day of Defeat
Day of Defeat Source
Deus Ex Game of the year edition
Deus Ex Human Revolution
Deus Ex Invisible War
Empire Total War
Enemy Territory: Quake Wars
Family Fued Collection
Fleet Command
Flight Control HD
Freedom Force
Freedom Force VS The 3rd Reich
Frontlines Fuel of War
Full Spectrum Warrior
Full Spectrum Warrior Ten Hammers
Grand Theft Auto IV
Greed Corp
Half-Life 2
Half-Life 2 Episode One
Half-Life 2 Episode Two
Just Cause
Killing Floor
Left 4 Dead Game of the Year Edition
Left 4 Dead 2
Men of war
Men of war Red Tide
Metro 2033
Monday Night Combat
Mount & Blade
*Mount & Blade Warband
Mount & Blade With Fire and Sword
NINJA Reflex Steamworks Edition
Overlord II
*Payday The Heist
Poker Night at the Inventory
Portal 2
PAM Post Apocalyptic Mayem
Ragdoll Kung Fu
*Realm of the Mad God
Red Faction Guerrilla
*Red Orchestra 2 Heroes of Stalingrad
Red Orchestra Ostfront 41-45
Rock of Ages
ROME Total War Gold Edition
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of chernobyl
Saints Row 2
Sam & Max Episode 1-5
Savage 2 A Tortured Soul
Shattered Horizon
The Ship
Civilization V
Sniper Elite
Star Wars The Force Unleashed Ultimate Sith Edition
Street Fighter IV
Sub Command
Tank Universal
*Team Fortress 2
Texas Cheat'Em
*Toy Soldiers
Trials 2 Second Edition
Two Worlds Epic Edition
Universe at War Earth Assault
Dawn of War II
*Dawn of War II Retribution
Dawn of War II Chaos Rising
Worms Reloaded
X-Com Apocalypse
X-Com Enforcer
X-Com Interceptor
X-Com Terror from the Deep
X-Com UFO Defence
Zeno Clash
Yes, I played and beat (or played ALOT of in the case of unending games) ALL these games, and Thousands of others. So I have clearly EARNED the ability to pick up and master games at a rapid pace. I've been doing it sense I was a little boy playing ROGUE and Loderunner on what we then consitered to be computers. Jamming away at Atari, Playing our Nintendo, Super Nintendo... Playstation... I've been playing games for TWICE as long as Many of you have been alive. My game time, in hours... might actualy exceed the lifetime of some of our server's residents.
This 'aint my first rodeo cowboy. I can ride that bull.