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Kind-of-rollback. Chunk Error?

Posted: May 23rd, 2012, 3:43 pm
by DreadsEye
Soo when i logged in today, i noticed some strange happenings around my house and in my temple.

The whole area seems to be rollbacked to some degree. Actually this whole thing behaves very strange:

The dispenser around my house that was placed there some days ago, and that i destroyed, was there again. The little house that PurpleFeathers built is still there, but it's "empty" although it was filled with chests , bed and stuff until yesterday.
When i noticed these things i went into my temple and things became REALLY strange then. All the stuff that I built was gone except for the pistons, which i just built yesterday.
It seems like the server rolled back like half of the area, it's really really strange.

Well, finally it would be nice if an admin could try to roll that entire area back to the state that it was yesterday about 11:00 PM. I guess that would fix stuff

Re: Kind-of-rollback. Chunk Error?

Posted: May 23rd, 2012, 6:48 pm
by Pestilencemage
Damnit, thats probably my fault. Seems someone set off that thing in my tree farm long before I got there. I rolled ya back in my area but it must have had effects behond the intended range. I'll be back home in about 5 hours from this post time and I'll try to fix it. If you wont be on, try to give me the areas you have modded in the past...3 days or so as they should be checked for damage.

Wasnt on purpose, notice I didnt make any more retaliation traps. I figure Juggle will end up as collateral damage eventualy as my base IS his base.

Re: Kind-of-rollback. Chunk Error?

Posted: May 23rd, 2012, 9:30 pm
by Maxloader
I think if you rollback a player that it doesnt take area parameters, that it just rolls back all changes.

Re: Kind-of-rollback. Chunk Error?

Posted: May 23rd, 2012, 11:40 pm
by DreadsEye
Well the thing is that the error is actually very very wide-spread. So what happened in my house really doesn't matter, but it's the area around Purplefeathers house and especially UNDER my shrine (the second one, the one made of smooth stone not of sandstone), that i'm really worried about. Could you check for that?

Edit: Actually forget about the area around that house, just the stuff under my temple is really messing me up, cause it took like 3 hours to figure all that out =/

Re: Kind-of-rollback. Chunk Error?

Posted: May 26th, 2012, 9:33 pm
by Pestilencemage
I probably forgot to add the param for area on the successfull rollback (I generaly half to check /lb params for the proper context) so it was probably my fault.

I'm not sure where the area in question is, but if it has alot of redstone it will probably be funked by rollback (even after a /undo).

Sorry champ, I didnt even really need that rollback to fix the area... It was just late and I was not feeling well. I'll donate some time into any repairs you need.