The Lost Temples Of The Forgotten Gods

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The Lost Temples Of The Forgotten Gods

Post by DreadsEye » May 7th, 2012, 6:57 pm

Quite an interesting Project name, isn't it?

Well, it goes alongside with a little Story:

(i would really appreciate if somebody actually reads this, i put a lot of work into it)

The lore of the ancient Maxloader god's

A long, long time ago, before the ARC fell, before Opal was destroyed, before November was created, before somebody even thought of October (oh how i miss october), before there were even Months to name the Worlds after, the ancient God's walked on the plain Grasslands of the server.
Without Biomes, without the Nether , without anything particularly interesting, the Gods created everything. Everything. They created the fire as much as the water. They created the TNT from the same essence they used to form the obsidian. . They were neither, good nor evil.

The 3 Gods were the perfect team. They had everything nicely split up between them. There Names were

Loxderama The goddess of danger. But also the goddess of adventure. The goddess of harm. But also the goddess of treasure . The one female god, that created all of the things, that men seek. The wild ocean, the wind, the weather, the beaches and the cliffs. She was dangerous, but that did not make her evil. She loved to create, just as much as she loved to destroy.

Those who today still pray to Loxderama are those who seek adventure. Those people will take all costs, to show the rest of the world how life should be lived. The worshipers of Loxderama might put themselves in great risks, but they will receive treasure and glory in return!
Those who pray to the goddess are usually: adventurers, vagabonds, sailors or soldiers

Maradolex The god of stone. But at the same time, the god of speed. His attributes were countless, because he was the first to create. With the stone, he set the very first steps into the 3 Dimensional world. He continued to create the ore, the coal and finally the fire itself. When he saw how immobilized his world was, he created life, and with it animals, zombies, creepers and all the other things you encounter in our world today. He loved both. The speed of the living things, and the peace of the blocks.

Those who still worship Maradolex are eager to create. They seek the wisdom of the great god, to put the right parts together in the right order. They want to understand how they can be the most efficient and best builders and miners, or how they can be as fast as the wind .Praying to the god of stone and speed is by far not as dangerous as praying to the goddess Loxderama, but it might be rewarding in completely different ways.

Those who pray to Maradolex are usually :builders, miners, thieves or messengers

Delaxroma The god of Mystery, and most of all, the god of beauty. He was the last to create. He saw what the other two gods made out of the pure nothingness, and he decided to wait. After all, the true beauty lies in the unknown. When the others were finished with their creations, he decided to create the things that the other gods seemed to miss. Maradolex left the gap between life and non-life, so Delaxroma created plants, grass, trees and vines. Loxderama did not realize what it was that linked the danger and the adventure, so Delaxroma created Love and success. When all was said and done, Delaxroma missed the complexity, the mystery that he once stood for. So he created Redstone and mechanics.

Only few still pray to Delaxroma, for he is the god of mystery and therefore remains unseen. But those few, persistent worshippers that did not let him go, are rewarded with more wisdom than everybody else. Delaxroma does not show his worshippers the right way, but those who worship him will find the right way themselves. They will learn to use their minds and control the mechanics around them like no other.

Those who pray to Delaxroma are usually philosphers, mechanics or just day dreamers

After many ages of the god's, another one came. Maxloader went in the world like he owned it. He created only one single thing, but it was the most impressive thing ever created. Maxloader made the Player out of the pure void.

Since this day, the gods have disappeared. The player was a mighty creature, that created more than the god's would have ever dreamed to create. So the gods fled from the face of the world, and left it's fate to Maxloader and his minions.

But now, the Tempels of the gods are returning.

And they will give the player the opportunity, to show that he is worthy to live on this world. They will be hard, challenging, and more complex than anything that was every made. The gods will try to hold onto this world by getting the players to worship them in their temples. Will you find the lost temples of the forgotten Gods?

Wait, Wait wait HOLD IT. That's a nice story, but what exactly is your PROJECT?

The god's are returning. You will hear more, when they are near. You will be challenged, when they have arrived.
Last edited by DreadsEye on May 11th, 2012, 3:20 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: The Lost Temples Of The Forgotten Gods

Post by Maxloader » May 7th, 2012, 8:02 pm

This all sounds very very cool, i am curious.
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Re: The Lost Temples Of The Forgotten Gods

Post by Taldiia » May 7th, 2012, 9:27 pm

Im all for it i can build when ever your ready to start
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Re: The Lost Temples Of The Forgotten Gods

Post by EddyT » May 7th, 2012, 9:48 pm

Count me in buddy! Bout time we played together again :D


Re: The Lost Temples Of The Forgotten Gods

Post by LumpyCustard7 » May 7th, 2012, 11:12 pm

DreadsEye Profile wrote:DreadsEye

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Had to do it.

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Re: The Lost Temples Of The Forgotten Gods

Post by scope_ion » May 7th, 2012, 11:17 pm

But now, the Tempels of the gods are returning.
But now, the Tempels of the gods are returning.
You just lost the game.

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Re: The Lost Temples Of The Forgotten Gods

Post by DreadsEye » May 8th, 2012, 12:24 am

Well, basically, imagine a temple getting thrown down from the sky at you. That would seem mighty, wouldn't it?

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Re: The Lost Temples Of The Forgotten Gods

Post by Sooneey » May 8th, 2012, 8:42 pm

I am gonna keep an eye out for this!!

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Re: The Lost Temples Of The Forgotten Gods

Post by DreadsEye » May 10th, 2012, 12:47 pm

I edited a bit into the first post. If you are interested in the lore of the lost gods, you might find some new information there. Also, there might be some hints now what to expect from the lost temples.

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Re: The Lost Temples Of The Forgotten Gods

Post by doghawk » May 11th, 2012, 12:25 am

I got to see a preview of just one feature of a temple... and it was AWESOME! I can't wait to see the rest. Good work, Dreads!

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Re: The Lost Temples Of The Forgotten Gods

Post by DreadsEye » May 11th, 2012, 2:42 pm

I just want to thank everybody for their feedback and support in this project! it has really been keeping me up!

If you want to support my project: Trade with me. I always want to have a nice amount of redstone and stuff like that at hand, and I will be sure that i can offer you some other valuable for it!

Also: I will probably be arrogant enough to open a SECOND thread for this in the "event" section, where you can get some more specific details to the Temples, what you have to do there and most of all the rewards that you can get, when you complete a temple!

Thanks again to everybody who has given some feedback. I love you all :)
Last edited by DreadsEye on May 12th, 2012, 11:16 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Lost Temples Of The Forgotten Gods

Post by Pestilencemage » May 11th, 2012, 11:56 pm

I'll be sure NOT to search your area then, I prefer a nice fresh look at the finished product. I know Dreads can drop the redstone proper so I have high expectations.
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Re: The Lost Temples Of The Forgotten Gods

Post by DreadsEye » May 12th, 2012, 10:45 am

Pestilencemage wrote:I'll be sure NOT to search your area then, I prefer a nice fresh look at the finished product. I know Dreads can drop the redstone proper so I have high expectations.
Dam it, now you got me under pressure. ^^

Actually, the only guy that i ever met on the server that was really better with redstone on a notable level was you. You built the one thing I always was to dumb for: an elevator. Gnah i hate those things. I tried to build one with daftasbrush concept but it was awful :/

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Re: The Lost Temples Of The Forgotten Gods

Post by harark1 » May 12th, 2012, 6:18 pm

Pretty nice lore. Will be interesting to see what you make.
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