"Connection Refused" Error

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"Connection Refused" Error

Post by DreadsEye » May 7th, 2012, 6:05 pm

Hey guys.

So, I'm back on the Server, but my GLORIUS return had to be stopped by some connection issues during the last days.

When attempting to log in, i get the "Connection Refused" Error, the Server list states it "can't reach" the server. This wasn't the only error i got, 10 Minutes ago mine craft also claimed it "can't resolve hostname".
It COULD be an error on my side, but i can't seem to find a fix for it, so I thought it couldn't hurt to post it here.

Anyways, it's great to be back.

EDIT: It seems to work randomly. Atm i'm logged in again, but i bet my sweet bottom , that the error will return.

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Re: "Connection Refused" Error

Post by Maxloader » May 7th, 2012, 6:51 pm

I would delete my minecraft folder just to be sure.
How do you do this? see http://www.maxloader.nl/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=6 under 'gameplay issues'
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