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Re: Skin Avatars

Posted: September 20th, 2012, 7:55 pm
by BluesBeast
This is amazing ! I know its been a long time since you've done one, but could you perhaps do one for me !? Thanks.

Re: Skin Avatars

Posted: January 9th, 2013, 3:38 am
by Tijl
Hey, i was wondering if you where still making these ? and if you would make one for me ? :)
I now have this crappy one i tried to make myself -.-'
I'm back on the new maxloader server, and this time i'm there to stay :)
I kinda made a skin ( smashed 2 other skins togetter actually) , and i think i'm giong to stick with this one :D
let me know if you want to or not


Re: Skin Avatars

Posted: February 19th, 2013, 5:30 am
by JonFawcett
Hey, just wondered if you're still doing these? And if so, could you perhaps make me a new one.

I'd like my old half Steve/half Enderman to be replaced with my new Green Rogue skin.

And can you make the position as close as you can to this one shown, thanks alot!
OB-class-Agent.jpg (23.56 KiB) Viewed 10815 times
Much appreciated! Thank you. :)

P.S. And can you change my name from JohnFawcett to JonFawcett please. ;)

Re: Skin Avatars

Posted: February 21st, 2013, 7:47 pm
by Gazoid
Hey guys, I am in the French Alps at the moment, I will do these once I am back home :)

Re: Skin Avatars

Posted: February 21st, 2013, 8:52 pm
by Maxloader
You go girl!!

Re: Skin Avatars

Posted: March 13th, 2013, 10:49 pm
by Tijl
Thx :) can't w8 to see them :) and can't w8 to see you on the server again :p has bin a long time :D

Re: Skin Avatars

Posted: April 18th, 2013, 6:33 am
by bluepuppy104
hey again :D I got a new skin not too long ago :P mind making an updated version of my skin? these are really awesome!! keep up the good work 8-)

Re: Skin Avatars

Posted: June 7th, 2013, 9:25 pm
by Midevele1
I also got a new skin which I made a bit ago, if you will could you plonk it on one sitting cross legged? Its based off my old runescape character and i'd love for it to kinda represent how they sat while resting. Thanks a ton!