New town

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New town

Post by Gazoid » July 7th, 2013, 1:59 am

Hey all, I found a massive village, that I have since lit up with torches, loads of villagers too, and not tooooo far from spawn (esp on a horse!)

Someone had already raided the blacksmith, but failed to noticed a dungeon in the middle of it!
I only noticed the dungeon when I went to build a tunnel through a hill, in it was 2 diamond horse armour, 2 saddles, 1 iron hourse armour, an a gold horse armour!!!!

I've tided it up somewhat, and put in some steps to a really cool bit.

If anyone wants to come and help me build a wall around it etc, let me know. If you go out the gate on the opposite side of town to my spawn village house front door (near will's house) and keep going that way you should find it. There are two towns next to each other, I'm laying claim to the left one, with the new tunnel through half of it.

I have a spare diamond armour if you help me :)

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Re: New town

Post by Maxloader » July 7th, 2013, 11:17 am

Hit F3 you will see compass directions (North, East, South, West). Just say in which direction to take off from the spawn village.
Also, should we preserve the spawner in this dungeon? Might be nice to put glass around it or something to laugh at the zombies :P
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