Dreads says goodbye + Find a secret!

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Dreads says goodbye + Find a secret!

Post by DreadsEye » August 15th, 2012, 12:05 am

Hey you guys!

Basically, i wanted to wave all of you a goodbye. Since Guildwars 2 is coming out soon, i am going on (yet ANOTHER) Minecraft hiatus.
So is this a permanent goodbye? Of course not! In my history of playing mine craft i have always been drawn back to this server. I will be back eventually, as I always am.
Only this time, i KNOW that i'm quitting and I have the manners to give you a proper goodbye!

So I decided to do this: I wrote 5 copies of my unique book "Farewell" which will be handed out near spawn. In this book, there is a clue that will lead you to the biggest treasure in the history of this server. Loads of Diamonds are just waiting for the first person to loot them!

But be warned! The puzzles to find this treasure a extremely HARD and REQUIRE KNOWLEDGE OF THIS SERVER to solve them.
How do you get a copy?

Well they will be waiting for you at spawn of course, and they'll be there just for some special persons:
1 public copy , for everyone to look at
1 copy reserved for pixiebitch
1 copy reserved for Ace
1 copy reserved for sooneey
1 copy reservers for Eddy and Gazoid.

May the first one to find the treasure win!

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Re: Dreads says goodbye + Find a secret!

Post by EddyT » August 15th, 2012, 2:57 am

Great idea dude! Cant wait for this :)

I have also pre purchased guildwars 2, you must tell me what server :D!

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Re: Dreads says goodbye + Find a secret!

Post by DreadsEye » August 15th, 2012, 9:58 am

Better hurry up, people are allready searching ;)

Anyways i am going to play on Abbaddons Mouth, which is a german community server. But maybe we're gonna kill each other in WvWvW :D

(Theres yet another Stresstest this evening so... yeah)

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Re: Dreads says goodbye + Find a secret!

Post by wlollpop » September 18th, 2012, 11:45 pm


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