Event: Strange Time Capsules Found

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Event: Strange Time Capsules Found

Post by scope_ion » June 26th, 2012, 11:26 pm

I found this journal dug in some dirt near spawn. The words are in a different language, I think, so I'm trying to decipher it, I'll be updating this as I find out what some of the pages are.


July 13, 1967:
While searching across the ocean, I came across a rather abnormal island. It seems very dead, and abandoned. Upon further exploration, there seems to be an ancient structure within this island. It consists of multiple cells with purposes unknown, nothing I have seen before. I'd suggest not to go near it until we get a proper team in there.

~Got another page done. Nothing surprising, though.

July 15, 1967:
I, and a few other men, went back to the island. We set up a camp nearby the site. Hopefully nothing happens overnight, tomorrow we inspect the ruins and maybe find out what lies inside this mystery.

~Here's another page, but it doesn't make much sense at all, I'll have to look over it again.

July 16, 1967:
Today I woke up, and found that one of the crew, David, disappeared. We went into the ruin, and found one of the cells to be closed. There was an odd light coming from the bottom, I want to find him, but we are all shocked and too afraid to try to go down.

~Fixed the errors I made, it seems to make sense now.

July 18, 1967:
There are strange lights coming from the ruins at night. I don't know what to make of them. Another crew member disappeared last night. We will continue researching.

~There's about ten pages after this that seem to be ranting on about the end of the world.

July 29, 1967:
this is good, very good! i am going into the cell tonight! i will discover what lies beyond this cruel world! in my dreams the cell promised to take me to a place that was safe! it will be very very good! i will leave this here the cell said to leave anything of this world behind. goodbye

Alright, I went to the island, it's rather creepy, here's some pictures:



NOTE: This event will build up over time, so keep checking to see if anything new appears!
Last edited by scope_ion on June 28th, 2012, 10:40 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Event: Strange Time Capsules Found

Post by scope_ion » June 27th, 2012, 1:53 am

Added a few more pages.
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Re: Event: Strange Time Capsules Found

Post by harark1 » June 27th, 2012, 4:40 pm

Interesting... Any ideas on where this island is?
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Re: Event: Strange Time Capsules Found

Post by scope_ion » June 27th, 2012, 5:27 pm

harark1 wrote:Interesting... Any ideas on where this island is?
I think it's some sort of remote location, I can't be sure though. I probably would stay away, wherever it is, until I get a few more pages done.
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Re: Event: Strange Time Capsules Found

Post by scope_ion » June 27th, 2012, 5:54 pm

Okay there's one more page, this one is a bit harder, the handwriting is terrible, it seems to be written in a rush. But that's the end of it after that. I'll try to find the island myself after that.
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Re: Event: Strange Time Capsules Found

Post by scope_ion » June 28th, 2012, 1:24 am

Finished the last page. I'm really not sure what to make of it. I'll start trying to locate the island now.
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Re: Event: Strange Time Capsules Found

Post by DreadsEye » June 28th, 2012, 11:32 am

I must say i love a good lore in an event and this one is really great!

Can't wait to see more.

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Re: Event: Strange Time Capsules Found

Post by scope_ion » June 28th, 2012, 9:49 pm

I think I found the island, it's an odd shaped, dead looking island North-West of spawn. There seems to be water patterns around it. I wouldn't go near it yet. I'll try to gather as much information on it though as I can, and then we can go in.
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Re: Event: Strange Time Capsules Found

Post by scope_ion » June 28th, 2012, 10:41 pm

Added Pictures.
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