--==After being pardoned...==--

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IGN: EtherealAce

--==After being pardoned...==--

Post by Ace2910 » June 18th, 2012, 5:34 pm

-You will receive the "Pardoned" rank, which will indicate that you have recently been pardoned from a ban. This will last from 2 to 3 weeks, or even longer if you are not that active.

-Moderators and Admins will often check up on you, especially if you are thought to be doing something suspicious. (this can go without notice from you)

-The rules will be strictly enforced upon you, so the chance of you being banned a second time will be much higher if you break a rule.

-If we find out that you are using accomplices to do the work for you, we will ban you along with the accomplice.

-Having been banned once will greatly count against the chances of you becoming a Moderator or Admin one day, if even taken into consideration in the first place.

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