:CHALLENGE: The lost Temples

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After having played all 3 temples, which one was your favorite?

Loxderama, temple of danger and adventure
No votes
Maradolex, temple of stone and speed
No votes
Delaxroma, temple of mystery and mechanics
Total votes: 5

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:CHALLENGE: The lost Temples

Post by DreadsEye » May 12th, 2012, 9:45 pm

I am sorry that i actually have 2 threads open to this, but it somehow feels important to me, to have this second thread that goes with the "event" side of my project.

What is a challenge? How is it different from an Event?

The Temples are places that are just there. There is no specific time where they can be entered. Every Player has to get to the temples on himself, but they can just try if they manage to do the challenge . Nobody can miss the Event, you can go into the temples any time you want.
Of course there will be SOME kind of reward for those who come early and finish the temples first.

The Lore

To find out basics about the ancient gods , visit the Thread in "Projects"

The exodus of the old gods

When Maxloader entered the World, he created the Player.
Maradolex, the oldest of the god's and the first to create, looked upon the player. He observed the player for quite a while, and he was not satisfied. For the player created things far more beautiful than the things he created himself. Maradolex got angry, and he called upon the other god's to have a look at the players.

Loxderama looked at the player and she found him to be fascinating. Noone has ever been so eager to life their lives in danger. Loxderama said the Maradolex: "They might not choose the path that you would choose, yet they seem to be more wise than you will ever be"

Delaxroma looked at the player, and he spoke : " They are the ones that live here, we must accept that fact. We do not have the right to judge them, even if we gave them everything they own now. "

Maradolex was furios. He shouted: "Loxderama do you not see how they domesticate everything that you have created to be wild? The water, the wind, even the weather seems to be under their control! You must not ignore that!"
And Loxderama spoke "You are right".
Then the ancient god of stone turned to Delaxroma and he said: "You, Delaxroma, can you not see how they put everything in numbers? Can you not see how they make everything their way, so they can understand it? Can you not see how they destroy the mystery, that you always wanted to create?"
And Delaxroma spoke "You are right".

So the envy of Maradolex became contagious amongst the gods. All three of them swore to either rip this plague from the face of their world, or to abandon the world themselves.
So the god's combined their powers, and they made a peaceful creature, that was made by Maradolex himself, into a fiery cruel beast. But when their new creation, the explosive creeper , walked the world, the player did not fear him. instead he fought him, and he was victorious.

Some time later, Delaxroma called the god's together, to propose them an idea.
"See my brother and my sister" he said."The player will not rest until the world will be entirely in his hands. The player will not rest until he controls everything and everybody in our world. We can't do anything about it."
Maradolex shouted in agony ; "treason! you want us to be irrelevant in our own world!"

But Delaxroma continued: "Look my brother and my sister. We have to be patient. We have to wait until the player evolves. Until he becomes something better than he is today. One day he will accept that this world has mysteries, like mine. He will accept that it has adventures and incalculable dangers like the one of you, my sister. And he will understand that the stone and the speed are one in the entity of you, my brother.

Loxderama asked: "So what do you want us to do until then?"
And Delaxroma answered: "We will leave this world. But not forever. We will come back and we will challenge the player to walk in our holy halls. If he succeeds, he will be worthy to live amongst us. If he fails, we will wipe him and his god off the world. If they fail, they will feel our wrath stronger than anybody else ever has felt it!"

And so the 3 god's left the world.

Now it is time that the god's return. They will come back and they will challenge the players.
Accept their challenge. Visit their shrines. Be victorius. The fate of the world lies on your shoulders.

Chapter one: The Tempel of Loxderama

The Temple is now finished and open to everybody! May the best survive!

How to Visit the temple

- Enter the Shrine of Loxderama. The Shrine is a small building, that you can find very close to the end portal. The coordinates of the shrine are around x = -779, z = 397 (y=77)
- come with full health, full food bar.
- Bring one small sacrifice to the goddess. You will need the sacrifice to enter the Temple.
- DO NOT BRING ANY OTHER ITEMS THEN THE SACRIFICE. Any other item, that you carry with you, counts as cheating!
- Survive the temple until the end.

The Perks of the temple:
- Traps and Puzzles always have some kind of "dangerous" element in it.
- Many traps are related to water and/or cliffs.
- The temple in general reflects what the goddess Loxderama stands for.
- You might die.

The rewards that you might get

After finishing the Tempel of Loxderama, you will get in a special reward room. In this reward room you will get one of the 9 Rewards:
- 6 of them are just Iron swords, as symbols of Strenght
- 3 of them are the holy weapons of Loxderama.

The holy weapons consist of:
- The sword of Loxderama (Enchanted Diamond sword) TAKEN by Pest
- The armor of Loxderama (Enchanted Diamond Chestplate) TAKEN by Scope!
- The bow of Loxderama (Enchanted Bow) TAKEN by Ace

The Chances that you get one of the unique items of course decrease with every player that has finished the temple before you, since they just might get them before you are there. So be quick!

Thanks to ACE for helping out with the rewards, and providing some experience bottles as well as the diamond chestplate

Anything else?

- Griefing in the area of the Tempel counts as griefing no matter what. It is possible to finish the temple without placing or destroying any block, please do so.
- Please post feedback about the temple and the rewards here. If you have finished the temple, please inform me here. If you notice something does not work correctly, please do also post here. If you have received one of the special rewards, please post it here so others can see that this reward is gone.


Chapter 2: The temple of Maradolex

Interlude: The unity breaks

Loxderama looked upon the players. She watched them, as they took the challenge that she had given them.

And the players succeeded. They dodged her traps, they survived the danger that she had put them in.

And Loxderama spoke to her brothers: "My fellows, the player has learned in the time that we have been away. The player has not given up on the dream of adventuring. Look, how they have looted all of the holy rewards that i gave them! The player surely is worth spending his time amongst us!"

Maradolex and Delaxroma could not agree with her. Maradolex insisted on having the players perished from their world: "How can you possibly be so ignorant? Those lesser beings sure have survived your traps! But it was the greed that made them do these things! You placed your holy weapons as a reward! Surely they have only taken this risk because of all the treasures that you offered them!"

Loxderama answered him: "But brother don't you see? They followed my rules! They did not abuse the blocks that they possessed! They even came to the temple if they knew that all the treasures were already looted from their fellows!

Delaxroma could not take side with her. He spoke: "Sister, you have no right to suspect the player of being equal amongst us. They hate the mystery, they hate the secret. They want to know everything, they can not understand that there are beings that are higher born then them! They have survived your test, but they will never understand the true power of the unknown!

Maradolex agreed with him and made an announcement: "My brother you are right. But you have to wait for your turn to reveal the misery of these things. Soon it will be time for me to let them face my challenge. I am eager to see if they can stand the test."
"And how do you want to test their true intentions?"
"Yes brother. Tell us about your temple"
"I will test if the player is fast and agile enough to be equal to me. Also, i want to see if the player has learned how to build the proper blocks in the proper place. They must withstand the fury of the fire, that i created and they must solve the complex challenges that i have prepared for them."
"And when?"
"Soon enough."
"Alright then. So shall it be"
"So shall it be."

The Perks of this temple:

The temple is now finished and open for everybody!

- The temple has lots of jumping puzzles (Maradolex is the god of agility and speed)
- The temple has a sort of "Building" puzzle (think of it as a companion cube!) (Maradolex is the god of stone)
- The temple is less "dangerous" than the previous one, but surely more frustrating!
- The biggest dangers in this temple are starving or burning to death (Maradolex is the god of fire)

How to visit this temple

- Enter the Shrine of Maradolex. The Shrine is a small building, that you can find very close to the other shrine. The coordinates of the shrine are around x = -888, z = 510 (y=74)
- come with full health, full food bar.
- Bring one small sacrifice to the god. You will need the sacrifice to enter the Temple.
- YOU MAY NOT BRING ANY ITEMS EXCEPT FOOD. Yes, in this temple you ARE ALLOWED to take food with you. You should do that, you will starve otherwise.

- Survive the temple until the end.

The rewards in this temple:

(Thanks to block for sponsoring the rewards!)

Again you can get rewards for taking part in the temple. The system is similar to the last one:
There are 9 rewards for the first 9 players to finish the temple.
- 6 of them are iron pickaxes. The pickaxe is the chosen tool of Maradolex
- 3 of them are holy items:
- The pickaxe of Maradolex (enchanted pickaxe) TAKEN by FallenTuesday
- The spade of Maradolex (enchanted shovel) TAKEN by Pest
- The crown of Maradolex (enchanted helmet)
TAKEN by Scope_ion

Go and get them!


The temple is now ready to be played!

Chapter 3: The Temple of Delaxroma

Interlude: One remains unconvinced

As the 3 gods gathered once again, their conversation gets heated

Loxderama turned to her oldest brother: Maradolex my brother, the Player has fulfilled all that you wanted him to. Can you still claim that i was wrong on judging him?

Maradolex was convinced, now that he saw what the player was capable of: My sister, you were right. The player truly is equal amongst us. The player has been fast and he has been brave. He withstood the tests of speed and fire. He knew where to build the Blocks. He is rightfully on this world. We may return now, and live alongside with the player.

I told you he would be worthy! What do you say Delaxroma?

Delaxroma remained silent for a while, then he answered: I can not agree with you. What the player did, he did for himself. He knew how to survive and how to hunt for treasures, but only because this is the only way to live on the surface we created. He knew how to be fast and how to build shelter, but only because this is what it requires to survive and become successful!

But what more would you want from him? This is how to be successful, as you said. This is the way of living, as we intended it!

No, this is the way that you both intended it! He still has not proven that he has abilities among those that are required! Would you claim a pig to be an outstanding pig because it eats and reproduces? No, because this is what you would expect of it! An outstanding pig would be one that has abilities beyond that, like opening a door, or running as fast as the wind! The same way I do think of the player. He is nothing but an animal!

Well brother, since you were the one who proposed to test the player, i do believe you have prepared something for him too?

Indeed i did. I will test if the player has learned things , that he did not need to learn. If we want to know if he is conscious, we need to test his mind. So i will do exactly this.

So shall it be
So shall it be

The Perks of this temple:

- You will need to use your brain.
- You may need to think outside the box
- You should understand the very basics of redstone (Only basics though)
- You should understand the very basics of Piston mechanics (again, only basics, nothing special)

How to visit this temple

- Enter the Shrine of Delaxroma. The Shrine is a small building, that you can find within 1 minute of walk to the other shrines. The coordinates of the shrine are around x = -614, z = 527 (y=69)
- come with full health, full food bar.
- Survive the temple until the end.

The rewards in this temple:

(Thanks to gazoid for sponsoring the rewards!)

Once again, there are rewards in the temple! The system is very similar to the one you already know!

There are 9 rewards for the first 9 players to finish the temple.
- 6 of them are iron axes. The axe is the chosen tool of Delaxroma
- 3 of them are holy items:
- The Axe of Delaxroma (Enchanted Diamond Axe)
- The Boots of Delaxroma (Enchanted Diamond Boots)
- The Cloak of Mystery (???) TAKEN by FallenTuesday

My friends i thank you for your attention and i can't wait to see you saving our kind from the wrath of the ancient gods!
Last edited by DreadsEye on June 23rd, 2012, 6:47 am, edited 11 times in total.

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Re: :CHALLENGE: The lost Temples

Post by pixiebitch » May 13th, 2012, 2:35 pm

I believe I was among the first ones to complete this awesome temple of Loxdrama! yay! Maybe even the first one aside DreadsEye?

Just for the good spirit of retrieving the rewards, I didnt take any due to the fact that I helped Dreads in some parts. ;)

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Re: :CHALLENGE: The lost Temples

Post by DreadsEye » May 13th, 2012, 4:05 pm

Ok so heres some update:

Pixiebitch successfully made it through the temple. Since he is still in creative and can't die therefore, he returned his reward just to be fair (good sports!)

Maxloader tried but did not make it through the whole temple!
AshPup tried, but died at the very last stage!
Wlolpop tried but died halfway through!
Lumpycastard7 had success in finishing the temple! His reward was an Iron sword.
Ace successfully finished and won the Bow of Loxderama!

So there are still 5 Iron swords and 2 of the holy weapons to reclaim! go and try your luck!

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Re: :CHALLENGE: The lost Temples

Post by Sooneey » May 14th, 2012, 1:28 pm

I managed to get through it but nearly died from hunger because I sucked at some of the puzzles. Awesome temple!! Really enjoyed it!! Looking forward to the next one. Mangef to get myself an iron sword so it is now my favourite weapon ( when I give it knock back to troll people with)


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Re: :CHALLENGE: The lost Temples

Post by Maxloader » May 14th, 2012, 2:13 pm

I have won an iron sword
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Re: :CHALLENGE: The lost Temples

Post by DreadsEye » May 14th, 2012, 2:34 pm

Nice, according to the reward system 7 people already finished the temple (including pixie who did not claim the reward)

2 Iron swords AND the Armor of Loxderama are still in the pot! Go and get them!

Oh and who got the sword of Loxderama?

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Re: :CHALLENGE: The lost Temples

Post by Maxloader » May 14th, 2012, 4:31 pm

I have some names from people that own a brand new (above 90% durability enchanted diamond sword):
- Knuckle
- Xzenoph
- dtherrien

You could ask them if they won it.
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Re: :CHALLENGE: The lost Temples

Post by Pestilencemage » May 14th, 2012, 9:32 pm

I got that sword. :/ I made a big post about it yesterday but it must have failed
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Re: :CHALLENGE: The lost Temples

Post by Maxloader » May 14th, 2012, 10:35 pm

Pestilencemage wrote:I got that sword. :/ I made a big post about it yesterday but it must have failed
Lol yes i saw an enchanted diamond sword in your inventory as well but it was like 40 or 50% dura so i thought it couldn't be it.
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Re: :CHALLENGE: The lost Temples

Post by harark1 » May 14th, 2012, 11:15 pm

I just finished the shrine and claimed my Iron Sword! Hurrah!

For the Pathfinders!
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Re: :CHALLENGE: The lost Temples

Post by scope_ion » May 16th, 2012, 2:26 am

So far this has made me hate you. Good job! :D
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Re: :CHALLENGE: The lost Temples

Post by scope_ion » May 16th, 2012, 2:38 am

I got the chestplate! :D
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Re: :CHALLENGE: The lost Temples

Post by harark1 » May 16th, 2012, 2:39 am

Good job Scope! Congrats!
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Re: :CHALLENGE: The lost Temples

Post by DreadsEye » May 16th, 2012, 6:39 pm

Great! Thank you for informing me!

Short UPDATE on everybody: Now that all the rewards are taken, i am filling up the Reward-Giver with some gold ingots. Everybody is by now allowed to re-do the temple as often as he likes to!

The second one is already in the making :) Thank you so much for all your support!

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Re: :CHALLENGE: The lost Temples

Post by DreadsEye » June 4th, 2012, 12:39 pm

Chapter 2: The temple of Maradolex

Interlude: The unity breaks

Loxderama looked upon the players. She watched them, as they took the challenge that she had given them.

And the players succeeded. They dodged her traps, they survived the danger that she had put them in.

And Loxderama spoke to her brothers: "My fellows, the player has learned in the time that we have been away. The player has not given up on the dream of adventuring. Look, how they have looted all of the holy rewards that i gave them! The player surely is worth spending his time amongst us!"

Maradolex and Delaxroma could not agree with her. Maradolex insisted on having the players perished from their world: "How can you possibly be so ignorant? Those lesser beings sure have survived your traps! But it was the greed that made them do these things! You placed your holy weapons as a reward! Surely they have only taken this risk because of all the treasures that you offered them!"

Loxderama answered him: "But brother don't you see? They followed my rules! They did not abuse the blocks that they possessed! They even came to the temple if they knew that all the treasures were already looted from their fellows!

Delaxroma could not take side with her. He spoke: "Sister, you have no right to suspect the player of being equal amongst us. They hate the mystery, they hate the secret. They want to know everything, they can not understand that there are beings that are higher born then them! They have survived your test, but they will never understand the true power of the unknown!

Maradolex agreed with him and made an announcement: "My brother you are right. But you have to wait for your turn to reveal the misery of these things. Soon it will be time for me to let them face my challenge. I am eager to see if they can stand the test."
"And how do you want to test their true intentions?"
"Yes brother. Tell us about your temple"
"I will test if the player is fast and agile enough to be equal to me. Also, i want to see if the player has learned how to build the proper blocks in the proper place. They must withstand the fury of the fire, that i created and they must solve the complex challenges that i have prepared for them."
"And when?"
"Soon enough."
"Alright then. So shall it be"
"So shall it be."

The Perks of this temple:

Note: The temple is not finished yet, but it soon will be!

- The temple has lots of jumping puzzles (Maradolex is the god of agility and speed)
- The temple has a sort of "Building" puzzle (think of it as a companion cube!) (Maradolex is the god of stone)
- The temple is less "dangerous" than the previous one, but surely more frustrating!
- The biggest dangers in this temple are starving or burning to death (Maradolex is the god of fire)

More to come hope you like it!

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Re: :CHALLENGE: The lost Temples

Post by pixiebitch » June 4th, 2012, 7:48 pm

Me like!! More!

amazing job on the lore! I cant wait till the temple is finished so I can show my equality to Maradolex ;P

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Re: :CHALLENGE: The lost Temples

Post by harark1 » June 4th, 2012, 8:44 pm

Awesome. I'll be preparing for this challenge Maradolex. Just watch. :ugeek:
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Re: :CHALLENGE: The lost Temples

Post by scope_ion » June 5th, 2012, 2:45 am

DreadsEye wrote:Chapter 2: The temple of Maradolex

The Perks of this temple:

Note: The temple is not finished yet, but it soon will be!

- The temple has lots of jumping puzzles (Maradolex is the god of agility and speed)
- The temple has a sort of "Building" puzzle (think of it as a companion cube!) (Maradolex is the god of stone)
- The temple is less "dangerous" than the previous one, but surely more frustrating!
- The biggest dangers in this temple are starving or burning to death (Maradolex is the god of fire)

More to come hope you like it!
What Prizes?
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Re: :CHALLENGE: The lost Temples

Post by Midevele1 » June 5th, 2012, 3:34 am

DreadsEye wrote: "They followed my rules! They did not abuse the blocks that they possessed!"
Heh... Funny story about that...

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Re: :CHALLENGE: The lost Temples

Post by DreadsEye » June 9th, 2012, 3:41 pm

I have updated the first post! Prizes are now fixed, Temple is very soon to be finished!

For all the lazy heads, here's whats new:
How to visit this temple

- Enter the Shrine of Maradolex. The Shrine is a small building, that you can find very close to the other shrine. The coordinates of the shrine are around x = -888, z = 510 (y=74)
- come with full health, full food bar.
- Bring one small sacrifice to the god. You will need the sacrifice to enter the Temple.
- YOU MAY NOT BRING ANY ITEMS EXCEPT FOOD. Yes, in this temple you ARE ALLOWED to take food with you. You should do that, you will starve otherwise.

- Survive the temple until the end.

The rewards in this temple:

(Thanks to block for sponsoring the rewards!)

Again you can get rewards for taking part in the temple. The system is similar to the last one:
There are 9 rewards for the first 9 players to finish the temple.
- 6 of them are iron pickaxes. The pickaxe is the chosen tool of Maradolex
- 3 of them are holy items:
- The pickaxe of Maradolex (enchanted pickaxe)
- The spade of Maradolex (enchanted shovel)
- The crown of Maradolex (enchanted helmet)

Go and get them!

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Re: :CHALLENGE: The lost Temples

Post by scope_ion » June 10th, 2012, 9:00 pm

Yay, got helmet. My godly set will soon be complete!
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Re: :CHALLENGE: The lost Temples

Post by Pestilencemage » June 13th, 2012, 1:37 am

I got the Spade of Maradolex... CAN YOU DIG IT! (too young to get a "Warriors" referance?)
Dread's dispencers like me, 2 for 2 on holy rewards.
Still one more holy reward left, and this was a great temple too!
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Re: :CHALLENGE: The lost Temples

Post by DreadsEye » June 15th, 2012, 12:03 pm

I'm glad you guys liked it! I already started working on the 3rd temple.
AAAAND now that i've finished school officially i can spend more time in Minecraft :D

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Re: :CHALLENGE: The lost Temples

Post by Pestilencemage » June 15th, 2012, 6:34 pm

yeah, they are quite the hit. HUGE bonus that it can be done at any time. If I ever catch ya on there I have a "redstone challenge" for ya (read: device I've been too lazy to do myself) assumeing the temples didnt burn out your desire to make circuits. I think you or pixie might think up something smaller then I was about to do.
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Re: :CHALLENGE: The lost Temples

Post by harark1 » June 15th, 2012, 8:49 pm

Damn i missed my chance. Okay someone warn me on what I'm gonna miss next time i go on vacation. :lol: I'll get the next one.
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Re: :CHALLENGE: The lost Temples

Post by DreadsEye » June 15th, 2012, 9:17 pm

You can still DO the temple. Just not LOOT it ;)

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Re: :CHALLENGE: The lost Temples

Post by scope_ion » June 15th, 2012, 9:31 pm

DreadsEye wrote:You can still DO the temple. Just not LOOT it ;)
But according to the gods, we aren't doing this for the loot, right? Nah. Pfft.
You just lost the game.

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Re: :CHALLENGE: The lost Temples

Post by harark1 » June 16th, 2012, 7:22 pm

True but I wanted a shot at some trophy. As a keepsake for a fun event. I'll get something on the next temple though.
"Is midevele1 an animal? I think so... I will start taking pictures..."
Yeenoos is a fool and a coward.

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Re: :CHALLENGE: The lost Temples

Post by Pestilencemage » June 16th, 2012, 9:14 pm

isnt there one holy item left?
I dont want to have buttsex with seven men in my basement, but I would like the freedom to have buttsex with seven men in my basement

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Re: :CHALLENGE: The lost Temples

Post by harark1 » June 17th, 2012, 7:58 pm

DreadsEye wrote: - The pickaxe of Maradolex (enchanted pickaxe) TAKEN by FallenTuesday
- The spade of Maradolex (enchanted shovel) TAKEN by Pest
- The crown of Maradolex (enchanted helmet) [/size] TAKEN by Scope_ion
Naw all taken.
"Is midevele1 an animal? I think so... I will start taking pictures..."
Yeenoos is a fool and a coward.