ICE Castle

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ICE Castle

Post by lumberjack_b » May 30th, 2012, 6:43 am

I don't usually post stuff, but i though this turned out pretty good. A couple pics of my ice castle. Made by putting water in forms. I spent lots of time waiting for water to freeze....

If you visit it for some reason, DO NOT PLACE ANY KIND OF LIGHT SOURCE!!! I wont be happy if it melts to the ground...


Closer to the tower

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Re: ICE Castle

Post by Maxloader » May 30th, 2012, 7:41 am

Wow cool!
I thought about doing this once, but lighting the place up is kinda difficult.
And you better not be around it when it turns dark.
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Re: ICE Castle

Post by DreadsEye » May 30th, 2012, 2:16 pm

This is pretty dam sweet. At first i thought you could just "place" Ice blocks, but the fact that you made it via putting water in forms makes it really really awesome.
I think i'm gonna visit this some time.


Re: ICE Castle

Post by LumpyCustard7 » May 30th, 2012, 8:47 pm

Correct me if i'm wrong, but I don't believe mobs can spawn on ice (it is transculent); therefore, lighting shouldn't be a problem.

Looks really cool though, I saw it on the livemap and was pretty impressed.

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Re: ICE Castle

Post by lumberjack_b » May 30th, 2012, 9:40 pm

I'm pretty sure you're right Lumpy. I haven't seen any mobs spawn on the ice. But they do walk over from the land. During the day it is plenty bright inside the castle from the sun coming through the ice. I haven't come up with a solution for lighting it at night though.

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Re: ICE Castle

Post by pixiebitch » May 30th, 2012, 11:13 pm

i did some testing with the lighting possibilities. all light sources except for one -the mighty redstone torch- melted the ice. i also tried the redstonelamp but like all the other sources (torches, glowstone.... etc.) it also melts the ice.

placing just the pure redstone torches should do the job, but they emmit light sort of poorly.

so, today we learnt that REDSTONE is the answer to everything :)


Re: ICE Castle

Post by LumpyCustard7 » May 30th, 2012, 11:40 pm

pixiebitch wrote:i did some testing with the lighting possibilities. all light sources except for one -the mighty redstone torch- melted the ice. i also tried the redstonelamp but like all the other sources (torches, glowstone.... etc.) it also melts the ice.

placing just the pure redstone torches should do the job, but they emmit light sort of poorly.

so, today we learnt that REDSTONE is the answer to everything :)
Technically, it won't need to be lighted, since mobs won't spawn there in the first place. Light doesn't deter mobs from walking in, as far as i'm aware, so in order to keep it mob-free, maybe a moat or wall of some sort should be considered.

For being able to see, yes, redstone torches are probably a good idea =P although they only prevent mobs from spawning on the actual block they are placed on (or maybe this has been changed? I think they emit light level 8, although it might be 7 don't remember. anyhow mobs spawn on light level 7 so yeah, it would take a lotta torches to do it well)

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Re: ICE Castle

Post by Ace2910 » May 30th, 2012, 11:52 pm

pixiebitch wrote:i did some testing with the lighting possibilities. all light sources except for one -the mighty redstone torch- melted the ice. i also tried the redstonelamp but like all the other sources (torches, glowstone.... etc.) it also melts the ice.

placing just the pure redstone torches should do the job, but they emmit light sort of poorly.

so, today we learnt that REDSTONE is the answer to everything :)
What about mushrooms


Re: ICE Castle

Post by LumpyCustard7 » May 31st, 2012, 12:12 am

Ace2910 wrote:
pixiebitch wrote:i did some testing with the lighting possibilities. all light sources except for one -the mighty redstone torch- melted the ice. i also tried the redstonelamp but like all the other sources (torches, glowstone.... etc.) it also melts the ice.

placing just the pure redstone torches should do the job, but they emmit light sort of poorly.

so, today we learnt that REDSTONE is the answer to everything :)
What about mushrooms
Light level 1 isn't going to help you see very much - also I thought they fixed the brown mushroom lighting bug..?

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Re: ICE Castle

Post by wlollpop » May 31st, 2012, 12:28 am

best build of all teim. make whole city out of it = profit

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Re: ICE Castle

Post by Pestilencemage » May 31st, 2012, 1:14 am

Redstone torches are not enough light to prevent mob spawning. The only solution would be to light up the land around the lake to prevent them from spawning close enough to wander in.
You could also create an ice door useing pistons to protect the interior, but that would somewhat destroy the ice effect as you would see the pistons.

I think it is probably fine as is... lighting the surrounding landscape will help and probaly do enough to keep it safe.

Nice job lumberjack!

You CAN push ice with pistons if you need to move it to a location where the water will not freeze... slow but legit.
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Re: ICE Castle

Post by scope_ion » May 31st, 2012, 2:13 am

Jack-O-Lanterns don't melt stuff, 99% sure.
You just lost the game.


Re: ICE Castle

Post by LumpyCustard7 » May 31st, 2012, 2:16 am

scope_ion wrote:Jack-O-Lanterns don't melt stuff, 99% sure.
You big troll you.

That wouldn't make any sense. Melting is calculated by light levels, and Jack-O-Lanterns emit a light level of 15, equivalent to that of a glowstone block. I think ice melts at around a light level of 8; that means you would have to have around 5 blocks between the ice and the jack-o-lantern. In that case it would be easier to use a torch, which only emits a light level of 14.

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Re: ICE Castle

Post by scope_ion » May 31st, 2012, 2:17 am

LumpyCustard7 wrote:
scope_ion wrote:Jack-O-Lanterns don't melt stuff, 99% sure.
You big troll you.

That wouldn't make any sense. Melting is calculated by light levels, and Jack-O-Lanterns emit a light level of 15, equivalent to that of a glowstone block. I think ice melts at around a light level of 8; that means you would have to have around 5 blocks between the ice and the jack-o-lantern. In that case it would be easier to use a torch, which only emits a light level of 14.
Seriously, I'm pretty sure they do not melt stuff. TO CREATIVE WORLD!
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Re: ICE Castle

Post by scope_ion » May 31st, 2012, 2:24 am

Alright, I guess it DOES melt it after a while:


But it took some time to melt.

The white blocks are ice, texture fail.

And the squids were unintended.
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Re: ICE Castle

Post by harark1 » May 31st, 2012, 2:42 am

Couldn't you just put lights on the floor of the lake under it? The light will travel through the water but will not cause the castle to melt if I'm thinking correctly.

Which it is entirely likely that I'm wrong cause I've been running a fever all day... Bleh...
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Re: ICE Castle

Post by lumberjack_b » May 31st, 2012, 2:54 am

Lighting isn't really that important since mobs don't spawn on ice. The only useful light would be on the mainland to keep mobs farther away.

Harark you may be on to something though!!!! I'll see how deep light has to be to not melt the ice above it. It would still be pretty dim but might make it a little easier to see at night.


Re: ICE Castle

Post by LumpyCustard7 » May 31st, 2012, 8:44 pm

lumberjack_b wrote:Lighting isn't really that important since mobs don't spawn on ice. The only useful light would be on the mainland to keep mobs farther away.

Harark you may be on to something though!!!! I'll see how deep light has to be to not melt the ice above it. It would still be pretty dim but might make it a little easier to see at night.
Ok, so I checked the wiki, they claim that ice melts at light levels between 13-14. I don't believe this myself (seems a tad bit too high), but if that was the case, the pumpkins would not have to be very deep at all. Water dilutes light by 3 per water block (2 extra, 1 from normal light calculation) - this means that a jack-o-lantern 1 block away from an ice block should be emitting a light level of 11-12. According to the wiki, this would be low enough, although that I cannot guarantee. However, this proves that the lighting would indeed be possible with harark's method.

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