Aqubero's Whitelist apply

Fill in your whitelist request here (from the draft)
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Aqubero's Whitelist apply

Post by Aqubero » May 27th, 2012, 3:32 am

Your Minecraft name*: Aqubero
Your real name: Jonas
Your Age*: 16
Where are you from?: Norway
What languages do you speak?: Norwegian, English, Danish, Swedish
What you want to do on this server*: Build, create and have a good time.
WHY you want to play on the server*: Because i like to play??
Where did you hear from this server?: Google found the forum.
Have you griefed before? if so, explain. This may or may not affect getting in*: Yes i have 1 time, some idiot on a server banned me for calling him a monkey.
Short description of yourself: I'm a guy that like to build, and play for fun.

Small build i did today, hope it helps.

Aqubero left the game.
Aqubero left the game.

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Re: Aqubero's Whitelist apply

Post by Midevele1 » May 27th, 2012, 4:57 am

Dtherrien has competition :O Oh and here you don't call people monkeys, you call them nudles. You're a nudel.

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Re: Aqubero's Whitelist apply

Post by Ace2910 » May 27th, 2012, 5:33 am

That's it, midevele. You're banned for calling the newbie a "nudel."

EDIT: Jk, jk, that would suck, and Sooneey's the only one who should ever ban you for anything lol.

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Re: Aqubero's Whitelist apply

Post by Maxloader » May 27th, 2012, 9:35 am

Congratulations, You are added to the whitelist!
Nice that you show interest in my server!
If you haven't done so already, please read the rules here: (its not that long)

To connect to Maxloader's SMP simply press multiplayer in the main menu and enter '' as ip.
To connect to Drumdevil's SMP simply press multiplayer in the main menu and enter '' as ip.

You are able to play within 15 minutes of this post.


If you want to donate for my server, please press Image. thanks :)
More info about donating: (#14)

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Re: Aqubero's Whitelist apply

Post by wlollpop » May 27th, 2012, 6:11 pm

yaaaaay norway

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Re: Aqubero's Whitelist apply

Post by Zuggu » June 13th, 2012, 4:15 pm

norway = snoreway
I sell sandvich and sandvich accessories.

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