Promotion Idea V2!

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Promotion Idea V2!

Post by sam-the-man » April 23rd, 2012, 8:39 pm

Hey its donwhittam from the server (that was for entertaining purposes only :D )

So, remember when I said about the youtube channel and the videos and stuff? Well I quickly edited a video of my own server for the sake of this post. I wanted to see if you approve of this editing, and if you do then I will make a video almost the same about if you want. Thanks -don

The link to this video is

Please watch or ill get sad.
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Re: Promotion Idea V2!

Post by Zuggu » April 23rd, 2012, 10:10 pm

maybe you could use non-terrible music instead
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Re: Promotion Idea V2!

Post by LumpyCustard7 » April 23rd, 2012, 10:57 pm

Zuggu wrote:maybe you could use non-terrible music instead
I find the no music approach better. In game minecraft sounds are generally much better and less distracting.

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Re: Promotion Idea V2!

Post by Maxloader » April 23rd, 2012, 11:06 pm

You also should edit out your desktop, and tinkering in the menu's.
And do not beg people to come to your server, its amateuristic.

Just put your ip on the comments or say pm me for whitelisting.
Never ask people to do something, just give information.
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Re: Promotion Idea V2!

Post by sam-the-man » April 24th, 2012, 5:33 pm

Maxloader wrote:You also should edit out your desktop, and tinkering in the menu's.
And do not beg people to come to your server, its amateuristic.

Just put your ip on the comments or say pm me for whitelisting.
Never ask people to do something, just give information.
At what point was I begging? If your talking about the 'please watch or ill get sad' thing then that was just jokes...
Anyway, as for the music, that can't be helped... This is because I record using QuickTimePlayer which means i cannot edit my video there and then... I have to use the built-in youtube video editor... This means i can only use the music youtube offers, not my own.
Also, I don't know how to just have minecraft in-game sounds in my video, so if someone could point that out, that would be great.
And if anyone on a mac is interested in making their own bukkit server, then just ask and ill make a youtube tutorial if you like. Thanks -don

Also... JOIN MY SERVER NOW. :coolface:
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Re: Promotion Idea V2!

Post by Maxloader » April 24th, 2012, 10:19 pm

Oh, almost forgot:

No jokes
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Re: Promotion Idea V2!

Post by sam-the-man » April 25th, 2012, 10:17 pm


But Whyz
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Re: Promotion Idea V2!

Post by scope_ion » April 25th, 2012, 10:28 pm

Because some stupid person might not get it. Like me.
You just lost the game.

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Re: Promotion Idea V2!

Post by sam-the-man » April 26th, 2012, 4:55 pm

donwhittam left the game.

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