The wall of dumb stuff that ad bots say

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The wall of dumb stuff that ad bots say

Post by Ace2910 » April 24th, 2012, 12:34 pm

Rock, "Merzlyakov reshebnik Grade 10 Geometry"
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I staggered back to Novikov I have not seen or thought I had it as his voyeur, in general, amateur spy for the respective scenes. You, dear, blackmailed, and we figure it out without fail. Merzlyakov reshebnik 10th grade geometry, Marina wanted to say that he knows where to go Pauline - the airport - but he said the porter: - I have no idea where she went, by chance he saw that she sat in a dark car. Maybe he specifically does not shave at all. Merzlyakov reshebnik 10th grade geometry
But those who are on full-time position was supposed to rake the Augean stables, listened to the Marina osolovelym completely straight face, and when she stopped, calmly muttered: - Well you see, the dress revealed all. Immediately it was easy on the heart. Baba Ivga understand what interferes with Vaska be gentle with Stepan Ilyich. Oh, and ugorazdilo me, I swear!
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Last edited by Ace2910 on April 24th, 2012, 8:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The wall of dumb stuff that ad bots say

Post by Maxloader » April 24th, 2012, 1:15 pm

Why would you post this?
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Re: The wall of dumb stuff that ad bots say

Post by Ace2910 » April 24th, 2012, 8:05 pm

I did find a few good ones... I just don't know where I put them. They tend to tell dumb stories sometimes, that's what I mean.

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