Your Minecraft name*: bluepuppy104 (I like to keep everything the same

Your real name: Zoe
Your Age*: 14
Where are you from?: Canada
What languages do you speak?: English and french
What you want to do on this server*: make some new friends who have minecraft, help to build cool structures, have fun, and be involved with other minecraft multyplayer activities!
WHY you want to play on the server*: i have been on another multplayer server but its almost always offline and the people there are'nt very nice ...

Where did you hear from this server?: i looked up online for a nice minecraft server and a person suggested this one

Have you griefed before? if so, explain. This may or may not affect getting in*: no i dont greif unless it is a PvP server. but no I dont!
Short description of yourself: um well I really like playing games with other people whenever I can so I'll be on alot, I like to consider myself creative in minecaft, im kind to all the people im playing with and try to help out whenever possible!

after my "interview" i hope I'll be seeing your server soon! cant wait!