Your real name: Laura
Your Age*: 20
Where are you from?: Washington, USA
What languages do you speak?: Only English :'(
What you want to do on this server*: Build some awesome buildings, help other players if needed, have fun

WHY you want to play on the server*: I know I'd love to play on a smaller server; I'd really enjoy being helpful to other players as well.
Where did you hear from this server?: I was searching the internet for a long time for smaller servers... I saw someone post about how nice this one was, so I decided to check it out!

Have you griefed before? if so, explain. This may or may not affect getting in*: I have never griefed before, nor would I ever consider it. I can't imagine what it would be like to have that happen to me!
Short description of yourself:
I'm leaving for navy basic in a week (so I won't be on minecraft until I'm out and in A-school