whyz? :D

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whyz? :D

Post by sam-the-man » March 17th, 2012, 6:11 pm

Hey i was just wondering, why did u get rid of bukkit and change the map? I dont mind it, but I wish we could've taken our stuff with us
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Re: whyz? :D

Post by theblacknight123 » March 17th, 2012, 7:09 pm

We agreed that vanilla Minecraft would be fun, so we started over.
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Re: whyz? :D

Post by LumpyCustard7 » March 17th, 2012, 8:28 pm

sam-the-man wrote:Hey i was just wondering, why did u get rid of bukkit and change the map? I dont mind it, but I wish we could've taken our stuff with us
Somebody didn't read http://www.maxloader.nl/forum/viewtopic ... 917&p=6077

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Re: whyz? :D

Post by sam-the-man » March 17th, 2012, 9:20 pm

This has basically made me not want to play :(

If there were ranks then i'd be fine with it. Remember all those posts about me being a moderator and I said I felt like I was waiting for nothing to be one? WELL I WAS WAITING FOR NOTHING!

( for the record, i didnt just play on the server to be promoted )

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Re: whyz? :D

Post by LumpyCustard7 » March 17th, 2012, 9:26 pm

I thought you would have figured it out at this point.


Come on, man. Common sense.

EDIT: Also realize that every single other thread you raised on this topic has either been closed or ignored. I think that's a pretty good sign that it's time to shut up.

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Re: whyz? :D

Post by Maxloader » March 18th, 2012, 12:09 am

Sam, you are missing the whole point of this...
I host a server for people to be able to play multiplayer minecraft together in a nice community.
The last thing you should worry about is being moderator or admin.
Just play the fucking game man...damnit
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Re: whyz? :D

Post by sam-the-man » March 18th, 2012, 3:52 pm

Maxloader wrote:Sam, you are missing the whole point of this...
I host a server for people to be able to play multiplayer minecraft together in a nice community.
The last thing you should worry about is being moderator or admin.
Just play the fucking game man...damnit
I know its just a game, but its real people im talking to so that makes it more than a game. I guess complaining isnt going to bring bukkit back so im just gunna forget about it.

Hopefully this change isnt going to stop me from coming on the server, even though it kinda makes me not want to, but I have been here for 2 years and I dont think your going to change the server back on the call of 1 person whos not even an administrator. So if everyone is happy with vanilla, then I guess ill just have to live with it and be happy to. Thanks
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Re: whyz? :D

Post by sam-the-man » March 18th, 2012, 3:59 pm

Im just gunna keep mah head down and help everyone out on the server as best I can like I usually do :) If anyone needs any help with anything just ask me. I do see the point in this now, vanilla is a new start for all of us!

So like I said in the previous post, if I'm the only one unhappy with vanilla, then its just tough and ill have to live with it! And I can live with not being an op too, screw it! The server has'nt got anything to do with ranks! As long as I'm having fun, I dont care!

Thanks for accepting me into your server community max and trusting me and letting me build. This is the best minecraft server I've ever been on so screw bukkit! I really appreciate everything everyones done for me on the server and hope to be seeing you again soon! Thanks so much to everyone! -donwhittam

PS. No more asking to be promoted will come from me again! Because the fact of the matter is, you promote me when you want to promote me right? So I can live with that. :,) thanks
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Re: whyz? :D

Post by Pestilencemage » March 19th, 2012, 11:57 pm

This server was alwayse intended to be basicly vanilla, the mods we had were designed to assist in anti-griefing.

Bucket is not yet stable for this version so that was the driveing force behind not haveing it. The massive hassle of maintaining those mods and the massive delay to the server updateing with the game is the driveing force behind perhapse keeping the server vanilla even when the mods update.

As to the ranks, they really do not mean much. Mods/admins were just players who had access to the commands that enforce those rules so that Max didnt need to deal with EVERY problem personaly. The idea is to have as few players with access to those commands as possable, yet enough to insure that players are not too long without assistance.

As for the map, we were going to get a new map already. They have changed the generation code significantly with the 1.0 and later patches and we had a 1.8beta generated map (hence no mushroom biomes). As to bringing NOTHING over, that was to restore vanilla feel and avoid favortism to ranks. Transfering things over is a pain in the butt and risks causeing errors to the map. Decideing WHAT to transfer over brings arguments and lengthens the "classes" as it were. Ranks truely would mean something if he let US bring over all OUR homes and left yours off, so we must let go of all our previous workings as well. This keeps everything fair, vanilla, and insures a bug free environment for all our NEW creations.

Take it from me, rebuilding something often makes for a better creation. We learn from our previous failures and improve design with every attempt. Most of all, we learned that our dislike of the new changes generaly fades quickly and we all return to haveing at least as much fun. I'll be joining you guys again before long (Mass Effect 3 must be completed before I come back) and I look forward to seeing what you all have done with the place.
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Re: whyz? :D

Post by LumpyCustard7 » March 20th, 2012, 2:17 am

That brings up another point; the cool thing with Anvil is it seems it also stores biome data in the maps. What I mean is new generation shouldn't have chunk boundaries with old generation, I'm pretty sure. (I know Etho, a very famous YouTuber at this point, went looking for a jungle in his SP world [generated around 1.9 I think], and there weren't any chunk boundaries between his old and new generation). This means that map changes will only be necessary when players want to start fresh, or if the map is getting too big.

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Re: whyz? :D

Post by sam-the-man » March 20th, 2012, 7:52 pm

I personally prefer bukkit and ranks, but as I said in the previous post, max is not going to change it back on the call of one guy who's not even an admin.

Also, as I said, max will promote me when he wants to promote me, not when i ask him to, so i can live with that :)
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Re: whyz? :D

Post by Maxloader » March 20th, 2012, 9:49 pm

I think i will install back a couple of mods once bukkit is updated, but as it is going now i think i will do this every update.

I came up with this 5 step updating process:

1. minecraft server running bucket + some mods
2. minecraft update hits!
3. server updates to the new minecraft without any mod, whitelisting closes.
4. new stable bukkit + mods come out for that version
5. minecraft server running bucket + some mods
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Re: whyz? :D

Post by sam-the-man » March 20th, 2012, 9:57 pm

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Re: whyz? :D

Post by Pestilencemage » March 20th, 2012, 11:03 pm

I dont want to have buttsex with seven men in my basement, but I would like the freedom to have buttsex with seven men in my basement

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Re: whyz? :D

Post by Chris_koot » March 28th, 2012, 8:26 pm

i kinda agree with don because i miss the the old map and my old house and stuff (i am not saying i dont like the new map but i am just saying)

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Re: whyz? :D

Post by sam-the-man » March 28th, 2012, 9:02 pm

yaaaay someone agree's! :)

Still like new map tho
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