Vanilla SMP Command Reference Guide

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Vanilla SMP Command Reference Guide

Post by Ace2910 » March 21st, 2012, 4:00 am


- /me [Text]
Talk in third person. (ex: *Ace2910 hits Mid with a Diamond Sword.)

- /tell [Complete Player Name] [Text]
Whisper a message to a person (does not show up for you when you send a message, so you can't confirm if you send it.)

- /kill
Makes you commit suicide.


***OP Commands***
- /stop
Stops the server.

- /say [Text]
Broadcasts a server-wide message. (ex: [Server] Server rebooting in 15 mins.)

- /save-all
Forces a server-wide save.

- /save-off
Turns off world saving. (useful when experimenting with things)

- /save-on
Turns on world saving.

- /op [Complete Player Name]
Makes the specified player an Operator.

- /deop [Complete Player Name]
Revokes a player's status as Operator.

- /kick [Complete Player Name]
Kicks a player.

- /ban [Complete Player Name]
Bans a player.

- /ban-ip [Player's IP Address]
Bans a player's IP address.

- /banlist [ips]
Displays the banlist. If [ips] is included after typing banlist, it will display the banned IPs.

- /pardon [Complete Player Name]
Pardons a player.

- /pardon-ip [Complete Player Name]
Pardons a player's IP.

- /whitelist [add/remove] [Complete Player Name]
Adds/removes a player from the whitelist.

- /whitelist [on/off]
Enables or disables the whitelist. (OPs can connect regardless of their name not being on the whitelist)

- /whitelist reload
Reloads the whitelist to recognize changes to it immediately.

- /whitelist list
Displays all players that are on the whitelist.

- /list
Shows a list of players that are on the server (Why would they make this an OP command??)

- /gamemode [Complete Player Name] [0/1]
Switches a player between Survival mode and Creative mode (0 for Survival mode, 1 for Creative mode)

- /toggledownfall
Toggles the weather and snow.

- /time [set/add] [Value]
Sets, adds, or subtracts (by adding an negative value) ticks from the server time. To set the time to day, use /time set 0.

- /give [Complete Player Name] [Item ID] [Number of Items] [Damage Value]
Gives a player the specified item. (ex: [/give sooneey 35 64 11] will give Sooneey a stack of Blue Wool)

- /tp [Complete Player Name 1] [Complete Player Name 2]
Teleports Player 1 to Player 2.

- /xp [Complete Player Name] [Amount]
Gives a player up to 5000 experience per command. (Can subtract experience, but it will not affect a player's actual levels)

- /help or ?
Gives an incomplete list of commands to use.


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Re: Vanilla SMP Command Reference Guide

Post by Midevele1 » March 22nd, 2012, 6:13 am

Ace2910 wrote: Talk in third person. (ex: *Ace2910 hits Mid with a Diamond Sword.)

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