Installing mods on a mac

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Installing mods on a mac

Post by sam-the-man » March 14th, 2012, 7:17 pm

hey its don. I have a mac and I basically found how to install mods for SSP by trial and error. Here are the step by step instructions on how to do it;
1. Go to Library>application support>minecraft>bin.
2. Compress minecraft.jar to get file called
3. Delete minecraft.jar so you are only left with
4. Download 'The Unarchiver' at
5. Open with the unarchiver (you should be given another minecraft.jar)
6. Open the minecraft.jar folder with the unarchiver.
7. Now you should have 3 things; minecraft.jar, and a folder called minecraft.
8. Delete minecraft.jar and rename the minecraft folder to minecraft.jar.
9. When you have and a folder called minecraft.jar, you should be good to go!
10. NOTE: This doesent work for ALL mods. I have installed toomanyitems and singleplayercommands without breaking my game.

If you get a black screen or your minecraft doesent work for any reason, do step 1 again, then delete minecraft.jar and and force update minecraft. Thanks -don
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Joined: December 30th, 2010, 1:56 pm
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Re: Installing mods on a mac

Post by sam-the-man » March 18th, 2012, 8:45 pm

Forgot to mention;
Basically just drag the mod classes into the minecraft.jar folder
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