asking again!

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asking again!

Post by sam-the-man » March 7th, 2012, 9:59 pm

I wouldn't really like to call this a complaint, more of a statement I would like a solution for :) lol
So, as you know I play on the server a lot (havent been on for a while though because of 1.2.3). I signed up for this server and was added to the whitelist in december 2010. And Im still not a moderator! I'm not really asking to be one, just wondering when will I be one? I am now 18 years old and want to get more involved with the server. Being a mod would be great! This post probably will do nothing to change your mind, but please?! lol thanks -don :)
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Re: asking again!

Post by Ace2910 » March 7th, 2012, 10:19 pm

This again? Idek, if a ton of people get whitelisted on the server (with our advertisements and all) max MAY start promoting people, but for now, you're probably out of luck. And don't count on my word, I'm just making guesses.

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Re: asking again!

Post by sam-the-man » March 7th, 2012, 11:14 pm

lol ok, what annoys me is that people who have been on the server for like 8 months get promoted to admin before they even know whats going on lol and i have been here for like a year and a half and im still green (respected rank)
donwhittam left the game.


Re: asking again!

Post by LumpyCustard7 » March 7th, 2012, 11:45 pm

More begging = less likely to be promoted

One thing you will learn in history is that people who want power aren't always entitled to it.

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