Why was i banned?

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Why was i banned?

Post by Midevele1 » November 16th, 2011, 1:37 pm

Okay so i havn't even been on, why was i banned? i never used a client on this server since the last time i was banned.

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Re: Why was i banned?

Post by Midevele1 » November 16th, 2011, 2:00 pm

Okay so i asked ace, and he said its because i had a bunch of mossy :/ this is not a fair reason to ban me, i stockpile mossy and obsidian, ask harark or ace himself, most of my mossy came from dungeons we found while mining out understone, and i've had them for a long time, and then some of them were found really recently in me and ace's mining adventure, and its not like i didn't make sacrifices, i lost a dimond sword, a diamond pickaxe, a bunch of string, not to mention my favorite bow with like two stacks of arrows, then all the iron and redstone i mined, i learned my lesson the first time and the AVO thing is not something i would use on this server, i like maxloader and i have great friends on the server, do you honestly think id risk that all for some string, iron and mossy? no way in hell, the only things is christian has been to my house i never use the clients i had when i went on, i always made sure so why should i be banned for having mossy i brought over?

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Re: Why was i banned?

Post by Sooneey » November 16th, 2011, 2:54 pm

The evidence was not mossy cobblestone. There is alot of evidence pointing towards it that I haven't told Ace because I want to talk to you about it personally.

Don't see this is a ban but a review of evidence, if i'm wrong I'll happily unban you since you aren't as annoying as you used to be towards me, if anything you help me tell new people the rules.

Just wait to talk to me on skype and we can sort this out.

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Re: Why was i banned?

Post by Gazoid » November 16th, 2011, 2:57 pm

Sooneey wants to sing you a song

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Re: Why was i banned?

Post by Sooneey » November 16th, 2011, 3:01 pm

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Re: Why was i banned?

Post by Sooneey » November 16th, 2011, 3:05 pm

But in all seriousness, I'll speak to you later. There is an amount of evidence pointing towards use of a hacked client.

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Re: Why was i banned?

Post by Midevele1 » November 16th, 2011, 9:42 pm

sooneey i promise you i have not hacked on this server since i was unbanned, and i will not again, fact of the matter is this server is my life, and even though you guys may not like me i see you as my family in a sense, i see you being just like my older brother, he is rough on me but in the end it made me a better kid, if you don't trust me to make the right decision as i have been, then i shall go set up a live stream and let you all see me delete my .minecraft folder (except for the texturepack thing, you know i'm working on it.) and then ill log in and it will do its automatic thing, then show you everything i have, this server is my life sadly, and i will admit it, i really don't have too many friends irl, and when my mom walked out my family sort of dis formed, i come home from school and i play this game, nothing too extravagant. If you truely don't believe me ask others, i don't want to get banned and i would never use a client on this server, i don't even use mods now if max doesn't approve of them. i guess this is up to the judgement of you guys, i already know you don't like me, and i know many of you don't like me, so i ask you, please, put away your hate, and look at it with logic.

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Re: Why was i banned?

Post by Sooneey » November 16th, 2011, 9:58 pm

Unbanned and sorted.

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Re: Why was i banned?

Post by scope_ion » November 16th, 2011, 9:59 pm

Midevele1 wrote:sooneey i promise you i have not hacked on this server since i was unbanned, and i will not again, fact of the matter is this server is my life, and even though you guys may not like me i see you as my family in a sense, i see you being just like my older brother, he is rough on me but in the end it made me a better kid, if you don't trust me to make the right decision as i have been, then i shall go set up a live stream and let you all see me delete my .minecraft folder (except for the texturepack thing, you know i'm working on it.) and then ill log in and it will do its automatic thing, then show you everything i have, this server is my life sadly, and i will admit it, i really don't have too many friends irl, and when my mom walked out my family sort of dis formed, i come home from school and i play this game, nothing too extravagant. If you truely don't believe me ask others, i don't want to get banned and i would never use a client on this server, i don't even use mods now if max doesn't approve of them. i guess this is up to the judgement of you guys, i already know you don't like me, and i know many of you don't like me, so i ask you, please, put away your hate, and look at it with logic.
That's deep, Made me tear up a bit D:
You just lost the game.

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Re: Why was i banned?

Post by harark1 » November 16th, 2011, 10:02 pm

:cry: Makes me cry.
"Is midevele1 an animal? I think so... I will start taking pictures..."
Yeenoos is a fool and a coward.


Re: Why was i banned?

Post by LumpyCustard7 » November 17th, 2011, 12:24 am

Makes me tl;dr

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Re: Why was i banned?

Post by Midevele1 » November 17th, 2011, 4:58 am

okay i think this should be locked...

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