Logement (Housing)

scope_ion is mayor and mlockh19 is co-mayor
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Logement (Housing)

Post by scope_ion » November 12th, 2011, 10:52 pm

Housing in Montagne is based on 4 factors:

1. Inside? Outside?
2. Size
3. View
4. Accommodations

Inside/Outside being the mountain.

--------------------------------------------------------------Mountain Houses----------------------------------------------------------------

1. Houses are inside the mountain, therefore less expensive than outer houses.
2. The houses will be smaller.
3. Most houses inside do not have windows.
4. All are near furnace rooms and food supplies

These houses are cheap, but small.

(Picture soon)

--------------------------------------------------------------Montagne Houses----------------------------------------------------------------

1. Houses are outside the mountain, as the name of the town is, the mountainside
2. They will be larger then others size.
3. Windows, with a view of the valley.
4. Short walk to market.

These houses are the main branch of Montagne. They will be the most expensive ones.

(Picture soon)

--------------------------------------------------------------Valley Houses----------------------------------------------------------------

1. Houses are outside the mountain, on the valley between other mountains.
2. They will be fairly large.
3. They have windows, but most do not have a great view.
4. Live beside market, furnace rooms, and other accommodations.

Houses here a based in the valley, with moderate pricing and decent size.
(Picture soon)

If you would like a house, please go to the other section regarding the purchase of houses.

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