Hello, I am Knuckle and I am the Head Mayor of Markettown.
As some of you already know, Markettown is a new city with lots of plots and has already a few citizens (Ravnen, Litmeuplols and Scope_ion). We have some strict rules and would take action if we need to. Basically, Markettown is in a place far away from spawn, I can tell the story behind it in another time, but for now this is the information topic, so here is the information you'll need to follow in order to live here.
Markettown Information:
* The Mayors of Markettown are Knuckle (Chain), Zuggu and Airship.
* The current citizens of Markettown are Ravnen, Litmeuplols and Scope_ion.
* The town has a town hall with all the rules, an incinerator, infinite supply of lava/water springs and a public mine.
* You are allowed to merge houses, but you need permission from a mayor first, and cannot buy more then 2 plots to prevent spamming.
- Prices For Merging Plots Together: 2 Large Plots Cost 2 Diamonds, 2 Medium Plots Cost 14G/1 Diamond 4G. Since small plots are midget plots, they are illegal to merge together with anything.
And lastly, the town rules.
*Small plots can NOT be higher then 10 blocks.
-> Medium plots can NOT be higher then 15 blocks.
->Large plots can NOT be higher then 20 blocks.
* Small cave plots can ONLY have 1 floor and 5 blocks high.
-> Medium cave plots can ONLY have 2 floors and 5 blocks high each floor.
-> Large cave plots can ONLY have 3 floors and 5 blocks high each floor.
* Please respect the mayors and citizens, if you see ANY griefing from ANY of your neighbors, report it immediately to a mayor.
* Please build your houses as best as you can, and not just out of cobblestone.
* You are allowed to build tunnels between your houses, but you need permission from a mayor first.
Hope You Enjoy At Markettown!
Markettown Information
Markettown Information
Succumb to us, Heretic!