Tactical Deathmatch Arena!

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Tactical Deathmatch Arena!

Post by DreadsEye » June 22nd, 2011, 8:19 pm


Also this forum entry will get some more features in the next few days.

Ladies and Gentleman!
I, Dreadseye am Proud to introduce you to the very first

It is located here: (Black Circle = Spawn, Red Circle = Arena)

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Heres the "Map" of the arena. Don't mind the big frame in the middle, it's the glass block i was standing on when i took the pic.
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As i plan to make more arenas in the future, here it's "data"
Name: Arena 1
Size: Small
Designed for: 1vs1, 2vs2 up to 4 Players in FFA
Possible Game modes:Deathmatch, Free for All

The Rules:
1. Punching/Melee is NOT allowed
2. All players enter the arena equipped with a bow and NOTHING ELSE (no arrows)
3. Taking items out of the dispenser is NOT allowed! Items inside the dispenser may only find their way out by activating the dispenser!!
4. Setting fire on anything else than the netherrack in the floor is NOT allowed, and is counted as griefing. I will rip your heart out of your body if you set fire on the obstacles!
5. Destroying / Placing of Blocks is NOT allowed
6. After you finished playing a game, please leave some arrows inside the Chest in the (upcoming) entrance room. I will maintain the dispensers myself.
7. Fairplay is one of the key elements of this little game. Don't do "lame" things like locking yourself in and hiding in a dead spot!

As you can see, this arena consists of 5 rooms. Those are seperated by 5 Iron Doors.
Every room has a purpose, and it is crucial for the game to understand it's purpose. I will introduce you to each of the rooms now:

This room features 2 dispensers, which are filled with arrows! Since all players will enter with 0 arrows, this is the place to get your projectiles!
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You can fire a dispenser about once a second, using the button on it's backside. Then, you run to the opposite wall and pic up your fired arrows. Be quick tough! your enemy may just be waiting on the other end of the room to steal your arrows!
You can also use this dispensers as a defensive turret.
After all you can fire arrows , while you by yourself can stand behind a cover.

This is the room all players will start in.
The Random room features 2 Dispensers, hidden in some corners. Unfortunately you can't see them on the map above.
(Pic of dispensers coming here)

Each dispenser has a random chance of spitting out one of the following:
A piece of Coal (31,2% Chance)
The Flint and Steel tool (10,6% Chance)
Raw Porkchop (22,9% Chance)
a leather Cap (5.2% Chance)
An arrow, right in your face! (28,8% Chance)

(Don't ask me where the remaining 1,3% are, i have no idea)

The Buttons which will activate the dispensers are placed BELOW the dispensers. This means you cannot fire it, without getting hit yourself.
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So once you press the button, you can either receive a useful item, or you are unlucky, and get an arrow blasted in your face, which makes you loose some health.
(Of course, after a raw prokchop/leather cap/flint and steel got out of the dispenser, it will refill itself, making it unatainable for later uses).

(Thx to Zuggu for helping me out a bit by the placement of the buttons)

ALL of the Items are useful, for different things in the game.

My personal favorite, and also the one room that makes this map really "tactical".

The yellow room features a variety of 5 unique levers.
4 of them to control the "Open, Close" on Each door, beside the one which leads to the black room.
1 of them to control the "Open, Close" on ALL the trapdoors. (Trapdoors will be explained below)
(The 4 Doors are "Open" by default, the Trapdoors are "Closed" by default)

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This room has great potential if you use it right. You can lock your opponents in, close one door to make the map one-way, or just open the trapdoors for a short shocking moment.
I will not explain further use of this room, but give it a try, since the doors can ONLY opend /closed from this room, you can dominate the game from here.


The Supply room features the "food dispenser" and the small water pit.
The Water pit is, of course, for you the extinguish yourself if you catch fire during the game. (This can happen through the 2 "extra features" explained below).

The food dispenser will hand out Raw Porkchop if you press the Button. A Button with a little twist.
Once you have activatet the button, you will receive your raw Porkchop. The Button will then refuse to work for the next 30 Seconds. After about 30 seconds, you can press it again, and gain another porkchop. The delay is built in to deny Heal Spamming.

You can either eat your raw porkchop , or you can try to cook it for a much bigger heal. the Furnace is right inside...

The Iron Door from the Blue Room to the Black room is the only one that is CLOSED by Default, and can NOT be controled from the control room.
Each of the other 4 Rooms contains a lever. This lever is set OFF by default
Only if each of the 4 Levers in the 4 other Rooms is set ON, the Door to the middle room opens
This makes it very hard to actually get inside this room. But if you manage to do so, it should pay off.
This Room features:
The only Furnace in the Arena. (to cook your porkchop, if you have some coal from the random room)
A Chest with a Leather Chestpiece (of course, only one, so the first one to get inside will get it.
A big Netherrack floor on the entrance.
Dispensers in every wall, loaded with arrows.

The Dispensers can fire in any of the 4 other rooms. Of course this does not mean "Instant Pwnage" since they are stationary. But it can make it much harder for your opponents to maneuvre around the Arena, since you can fire an arrow on about every 3rd Block on every other room, while you yourself are safly behind the glass wall.

Besides the 5 Rooms, there are 2 "Extra Features"

Trapdoors Are placed on some tactical places in the arena, and are filled with lava. They contain a ladder.
Let's face it, its really hard to actually fall into a trapdoor, since they are only 1 Block wide. But IF you fall inside, it may even be an instant death if you don't reach the water pit by time.
Trapdoors are controled from the Yellow room.

Right on both sides of every door, there is a single block of netherrack. You can ignite the netherrack if you obtained a firetool from the random room. This may or may not give you a small advantage, if your enemies are stupid enough to just run through it. Also, it may give you time since they have to Punch the fire out before they can safely go through the passage. Winning time = Winning time to fire arrows = Winning the game!.

That's it for now. I will improve this post once the arena is finally done.
Thanks for reading all this!
Last edited by DreadsEye on June 24th, 2011, 11:44 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Tactical Deathmatch Arena!

Post by DreadsEye » June 23rd, 2011, 4:46 pm

Updatet the Post! Arena is finished now!

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Re: Tactical Deathmatch Arena!

Post by wlollpop » July 2nd, 2011, 2:03 am

This is awesome!

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Re: Tactical Deathmatch Arena!

Post by Der_Jakal » July 2nd, 2011, 3:04 am

wlollpop wrote:This is awesome!
The soap, pick it up.

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Re: Tactical Deathmatch Arena!

Post by wlollpop » July 5th, 2011, 3:00 am

Der_Jakal wrote:
wlollpop wrote:This is awesome!

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Re: Tactical Deathmatch Arena!

Post by DreadsEye » July 12th, 2011, 2:04 pm

Well thanks for this... erm... feedback.

ATM I'm in the Planning phase for TDM ARENA 2, so if someone wants to help me with that one, just post here I will send you plans and layouts.

Some rules to working on the TDM arena with me:
1.) I make the plans. I'm happy if you give me some ideas and feedback, but I have the final decisions over the project.
2.) I do the Redstone wiring.
3.) I can't pay you anything.

So if you accept these rules i would be grateful if you would help me! of course it wouldn't be "Dreads TDM Arena" anymore, it would be more like : "TDM Arena 2, by Dreads, XXX, XXX and XXX."

Also: since the first Arena was "kind of" a success, and some Admin (i think sooneey) said something about Admin Help on this one, i would like to talk to some Admins about some support on this project.

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Re: Tactical Deathmatch Arena!

Post by Der_Jakal » July 13th, 2011, 1:41 am

I've been looking for a project to work on. (been having trouble coming up with my own lately :( ). So I'll gladly help you out. you don't even have to put my name on the arena. I think you'll find I make a great slave laborer.
The soap, pick it up.

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