My custom map 'The Darkness"

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My custom map 'The Darkness"

Post by scope_ion » June 7th, 2011, 11:43 pm

Hey guys, I'm making a custom map at the moment (isn't done) and figured I would share it with you guys (if I can).

Name: The Darkness
Type: Survival
Difficulty: Hard (even on easy! :P)
Storyline: You wake up to find yourself in near complete darkness. The whole area is obsidian. Only a few supply crates, a dead tree, a frozen pond, and an old house is left. What to do? Punch trees.
2.Find the hidden chests of the elements (Water, darkness, fire, life, light)
3.Find how you came to be in the dark place

I'll put up the (if I figure out how to) map link. I'll also put up some screenshots later.

Texture pack:
You just lost the game.

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