Your off to adventure in the Maxloader world of Minecraft! Be it overground exploring the server, or underground minding for riches, what will you bring with you? Do you plan for small trips, or long-haul visits being almost self-sufficient?
I'm fairly sure everyone prepairs for deep digging or far exploring, doubly so now we have to plan for the lack of a /back command (rightfully so, in my opinion). So I'm wondering, what do you chaps typically carry with you when your going out and about, far from /home and /spawn? I suspect people take different things for exploring then they do for mining?
Let the Forum's know your survival rations, and why!
Personally, I do pack differently if it's over or underground.
For underground, I usually carry: A furnace, work table 2-3-4 iron picks, bow and arrows, mushrooms, a stack of raw wood and a couple stacks of torches of torches. Oh, and the water-bucket, if I remember. I've found that I've little actual use for a sword these days since after my bone-hunting spree, I've got, for all intents, unlimited arrows (Or rather enough that I don't have to worry about using them on everything). As for the wood, another annoience I've foundis running out of torches and pickaxes when I'm in a massive cave system (Whioch are the one's I always find). Mm, nothing like a week doing just one cave <_> Iron and coal are replaceable easilly in those cases, but the wood goes towards torch and pickaxe handles. Ther mushrooms can be used with wood for mushroom stew, also :3
As for overground... armour, torches, axe, pickaxe and bow/arrows. Haven't really needed anything else but that.
Adventure pack!
Adventure pack!
The Wandering Eccentric.
Re: Adventure pack!
For mining I usually take about six stone picks, two stone shovels, one or two iron picks (unless I need obsidian then I take one diamond pick) for ores, a sword, a stack of torches, and a bucket of water. I should bring wood for making more picks/torches but I usually have a lot of ores that I want to dump in my vault by the time I run out so I make more in my vault when depositing riches, and then venture back to where I was.
for adventures over ground: usually just a bow/sword, some torches, some food, and one or two stone tools.
for adventures over ground: usually just a bow/sword, some torches, some food, and one or two stone tools.
The soap, pick it up.