DOGHAWK Please Read This

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DOGHAWK Please Read This

Post by wlollpop » May 14th, 2011, 3:40 am

Hello! I recently logged into the server and was on top of your bunker, and a creeper was right next to me. Before I got a change to say hi, it exploded along with two others, causing damage to the main bunker roof. I have left a chest with 1 stack of smoothstone at the spawn because I was not sure of how to fix it and thought it would be easier for you to fix it rather than you fixing my mistakes. I'm sorry about this.

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Re: DOGHAWK Please Read This

Post by Sooneey » May 14th, 2011, 6:12 pm

wlollpop message doghawk incase he doesn't see this.

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Re: DOGHAWK Please Read This

Post by Der_Jakal » May 14th, 2011, 7:39 pm

also you could've used a protection sign with his name on it instead of saying "only for doghawk"
The soap, pick it up.

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Re: DOGHAWK Please Read This

Post by doghawk » May 16th, 2011, 5:41 pm


Don't worry about it at all! The roof wasn't complete, and most of it had to be rebuilt anyway. Thanks for leaving some stone... I'll repair it when I can... perhaps Wednesday.

Also, I know you're interested in purchasing a condo, so I'll do some math, and figure out how to price them. I'll add a post when I'm done. Feel free to invite others to visit. I'll give you a realtor's discount if you can sell some units. :)

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