Weekend Events

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Weekend Events

Post by DreadsEye » October 4th, 2010, 4:26 pm

Hey everybody!
I had this Idea of hosting little Community events each week, preferably on weekends, since people got more time then.

What kind of events? Well, that's a question you could answer me! Here's some Ideas from my side:

"X Marks the Spot"
two people did that already (And i was lucky enough to find both ^^). It's just like somebody burries a little chest with some treasure in the Ground, and marks it with an X, visible from the world map. First one to find it wins!

"Boat Racing"
Pretty obvious i guess. Here's a Start, there's a goal, and in the middle are some Obstacles. Since boats break very easily, this could get kinda tough.

"Hide n' Seek"
The event host walks anywhere on the map, seeks a little hiding place, and gives everybody else hints on where to find him. These hint's should be like : "I'm near to the ocean, and i can see a huge Tower near me"
First one to find the Host... well. Wins! (Of course any Admin or Mod warping to the host is a lame cheater)

And so on. I'm open for much , much more ideas!

Of course this could only work if enough people are interested in it. I would like to host the first few Events, if they are well visited, I will leave it to the admins or mods i think.

About the reward
When i mentioned this idea in-game already 2 or 3 people said they could sponsor some gold/diamonds to this idea. If anybody else would like to donate, please post it here.

So tell me if
You would participate on this Events
You have any ideas of what kind of Event we could do
You want to donate something.

See you Ingame, i hope this whole thing works out.

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Re: Weekend Events

Post by ownu1hit99 » October 4th, 2010, 4:34 pm

great idea :) got my vote would spice up the server abit

sounds like alot of fun

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Re: Weekend Events

Post by Maxloader » October 4th, 2010, 4:43 pm

This seems awesome, ill create a subforum for events right away.
If you want to donate for my server, please press Image. thanks :)
More info about donating: http://www.maxloader.nl/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=4 (#14)

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Re: Weekend Events

Post by Guildjuhh » October 4th, 2010, 4:48 pm

Like i said, i could donate some diamond (/blocks)

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