I tried out BOTRA's mine when it opened, and while I was in there I was getting hurt when there were no enemies in sight. Right after I tried to warp, I had died. I disconnected shortly after. It might just be my internet lagging, I don't really know. I don't exactly remember what I was carrying, but I had most of my items in my inventory for over 30 minutes.
Thanks in advance.
Invisible enemies?
Re: Invisible enemies?
Did you die before/after/whilst warping? Also are you sure it was enemies in the mines? Usually if that happens relogging fixes them disappearing...
If you give the time it happened I'm sure Maxloader will look into what was in your inventory but till then we can not do much if you don't remember. Sorry.
If you give the time it happened I'm sure Maxloader will look into what was in your inventory but till then we can not do much if you don't remember. Sorry.
Re: Invisible enemies?
It happened around. 7:00 EST on March 7th (don't know about server time), I died after I entered the command, but before it actually warped me. I didn't hear mob sounds, I got hurt randomly, though. I had seen visible mobs at the same session (didn't relog) before I had died.