/home fail, not glitch

Did you somehow lose an item? Post how it happened and an admin will see if you can get an item back.
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/home fail, not glitch

Post by Glitch0011 » February 22nd, 2011, 10:40 am

Ok, so me and Forumla have got a perfect place for our next base. Miles away from everything and a perfect mountain top for a volcano we had planned. So Formula grabbed literally half our stock and jumped to spawn. I layed down some storage at the new place and then got the stuff from him at spawn. I then jumped back and promptly died. When I say half my stuff this way tons of stuff, every slot filled with something, the important things I can remmember being: 5 Diamond, 9 Buckets of Lava, 7x64 Cobblestone, 6x64 wood. Thats no-where near everything just giving an impression. I had no tools, no drops, just materials for the new base.
The reason I call this not a glitch, is because it just so happens that one of the storages I threw down (yerh I know, I'm an idiot) was where my home-point was. Now belive me, I have turned the place upside down looking for where they went perhaps, but its gone :(

I'd understand if I don't get my stuff back due to idiocy, but it would be nice and would help create one really cool project I had in mind. Common, Volcano base :D Shall be Awsome.

PS A roll back of five hours probably wouldn't help :( as I just got the stuff from Formula and he got it from our storages and I literally just lost it now.

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Re: /home fail, not glitch

Post by Maxloader » February 22nd, 2011, 10:49 am

Has the stuff been in your inventory for more than half an hour? cuz then i can pull it out of a backup
if so, which half hour?

if not, then you have to specify a complete list and i will spawn it for you later tonight, or another admin will.
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Re: /home fail, not glitch

Post by Glitch0011 » February 22nd, 2011, 11:00 am

Nope, not even half an hour... ironically because I didn't want to wait around with that much stuff XD, which is why I'm feeling bad. Ok, i'll try think of the whole list.

Definitely remember having:

9x1 Buckets of Volcano
5x1 Diamonds
8x64 Cobblestone
6x64 wood
64x1 Sulpher
64x1 Stone Slap
64x Sand

Kinda remember having:

64x1 Stairs
33x Iron
64x1 Lamps

That still leaves me with five slots left but I can't truthfully remmember any more. Anywho, anything you give back would be deeply appreciated.

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Re: /home fail, not glitch

Post by Maxloader » February 22nd, 2011, 11:04 am

You will get that stuff back, also the ones you 'kinda' remember.
But i cant play until later tonight, so u have to be patient.

ps: if another admin gave this already please reply here to make sure u don't get it double.
If you want to donate for my server, please press Image. thanks :)
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Re: /home fail, not glitch

Post by Maxloader » February 22nd, 2011, 6:32 pm

i gave all your stuff back, you didnt specify the stairs to be wood or stone so i gave u stone.
about the iron, i gave it in bars.
If you want to donate for my server, please press Image. thanks :)
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