Ctown theif and griefer

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Ctown theif and griefer

Post by FallenTuesday » February 9th, 2011, 1:54 am

First off when we were expanding the housing district we had it almost done i leave and the next day there are 2 large holes in the ground most likely tnt. a few items had been stolen from my mob drops chest in my store day after day but i kind of ignored that. later pestil is installing a security system in for the store and all of my sulpher gets stole i dont think it was pest because his security system was sabotaged too many wires cut redstone stolen and torches stolen. later jonbeam reports that there is a fire in the library. when i get there almost everything i burned up and there is lava in the corner. I believe it was bluecar because max inv checked everybody and found he had about 200 sulpher and he visited pest a few times while he was building the security system. Also eddy has said that bluecar has stolen from botra before too. i dont know for sure if it was him but we need to find out who. Also can i get wood and bookcases and a little glass to rebuild library.
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Re: Ctown theif and griefer

Post by Pestilencemage » February 9th, 2011, 3:17 am

Thieft may have been blue... but I believe Jonbeam is responsable for the sabotage.
1- Storeroom: the security wireing was deliberately sabotaged. I spent a HUGE amount of time and energy on that. So much that the loss of redstone and RSTorches is nothing. I was up untill 5am finishing that and I take it's sabotage quite personaly. *Secure door was left unlocked overnight to avoid locking fallen out of his own storeroom.

2- Library: Lava was poured in the corner of the library, burning EVERYTHING

3- Tree Farm: I found that the tree farm was set ablaze.

4- *Why I am convinced it was Jonbeam*
After Fallen had left, as I struggled to repair damage to wireing, I was warping to houseing district with supplies from personal vault. Jon was in residential area. He asked if I had "heard that" (I didnt). he said it sounded like TNT (not creeper... TNT). I was heading back to finish repairs but he remarked that he had discovered additional damage (QUICKLY... IE: he went right to it... cuz he knew where it was). The damage was in the Mayor's quarters. Lava was relieced from the glass backdrop and the ... torches removed from skull eyes (DEAR LORD NO!)... Fallen's section of the office had a massive hole blown in it. The damage was current, as retrievable brick loot hovered at the bottom of the hole. I checked the list of players currently online.

Kau, Jonbeam, Me. I had not yet seen kau in the area of CTown, and well... I have the added benifit of knowing it wasnt me. Afew other remarks point twords him as well. He acted as if he did not know you could move lava durring HIS discovery of the library fire. He "found" and informed us of every incident of damage... except the treefarm, may have been his parting gift. I know the "he who smelt it, delt it" is circumstancial at best, but That last explosion really gave him away.

I did not let Jonbeam know I was aware of his guilt as I thought this might spur on additional damage if he felt his being banned was eminent.
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Re: Ctown theif and griefer

Post by Pestilencemage » February 9th, 2011, 3:35 am

mob trap a ctown was tampered with... fixed it (flow blocked)

no telling what else was messed with
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Re: Ctown theif and griefer

Post by FallenTuesday » February 9th, 2011, 5:15 am

ill post multiple pics of damage
ill post multiple pics of damage
2011-02-08_21.01.12.png (99.58 KiB) Viewed 7342 times
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Re: Ctown theif and griefer

Post by FallenTuesday » February 9th, 2011, 5:16 am

2011-02-08_21.02.04.png (132.21 KiB) Viewed 7341 times
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Re: Ctown theif and griefer

Post by FallenTuesday » February 9th, 2011, 5:18 am

2011-02-08_21.02.32.png (126.15 KiB) Viewed 7341 times
2011-02-08_21.02.40.png (128.67 KiB) Viewed 7341 times
2011-02-08_21.02.50.png (69.14 KiB) Viewed 7341 times
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Re: Ctown theif and griefer

Post by FallenTuesday » February 9th, 2011, 5:19 am

2011-02-08_21.03.30.png (69.16 KiB) Viewed 7341 times
2011-02-08_21.03.48.png (44.84 KiB) Viewed 7341 times
2011-02-08_21.03.54.png (87.7 KiB) Viewed 7341 times
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Re: Ctown theif and griefer

Post by FallenTuesday » February 9th, 2011, 5:20 am

2011-02-08_21.04.01.png (114.68 KiB) Viewed 7341 times
sorry theres so many but the damage is so great.
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Re: Ctown theif and griefer

Post by FallenTuesday » February 9th, 2011, 5:21 am

max can we please roll back the server?
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Re: Ctown theif and griefer

Post by jonbeam » February 9th, 2011, 6:23 am

Well I had fun but the lack of warps and walking around all the time made it really dry and boring, you guys build some amazing stuff though! I apologize if I ruined anybody's stuff that wasn't Fallen's. He just said the wrong thing at the wrong time, was pissed off from something else, but oh well if he wouldn't of said anything at all nothing would have happened in the first place.

I'm laughing at your misfortune.

It's not that big of a deal anyway. It's a pretty easy fix...

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Re: Ctown theif and griefer

Post by jonbeam » February 9th, 2011, 6:34 am

4- *Why I am convinced it was Jonbeam*
After Fallen had left, as I struggled to repair damage to wireing, I was warping to houseing district with supplies from personal vault. Jon was in residential area. He asked if I had "heard that" (I didnt). he said it sounded like TNT (not creeper... TNT). I was heading back to finish repairs but he remarked that he had discovered additional damage (QUICKLY... IE: he went right to it... cuz he knew where it was). The damage was in the Mayor's quarters. Lava was relieced from the glass backdrop and the ... torches removed from skull eyes (DEAR LORD NO!)... Fallen's section of the office had a massive hole blown in it. The damage was current, as retrievable brick loot hovered at the bottom of the hole. I checked the list of players currently online.
LOL i actually just placed the tnt there and the lava killed me so i had to quickly get over there so i can set it off. so i warped /home and when i heard the tnt explode and thought you heard it, lol i shouldn't of said anything xD

Kau, Jonbeam, Me. I had not yet seen kau in the area of CTown, and well... I have the added benifit of knowing it wasnt me. Afew other remarks point twords him as well. He acted as if he did not know you could move lava durring HIS discovery of the library fire. He "found" and informed us of every incident of damage... except the treefarm, may have been his parting gift. I know the "he who smelt it, delt it" is circumstancial at best, but That last explosion really gave him away.

I did not let Jonbeam know I was aware of his guilt as I thought this might spur on additional damage if he felt his being banned was eminent.
jc7777 i think was the one asking about the lava moving and such btw... and I did all of those things while you and fallen were fixing your redstone store security thing. pretty damn fast.

And I actually feel pretty bad about screwing up your store security man, sorry about that =/

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Re: Ctown theif and griefer

Post by Pestilencemage » February 9th, 2011, 6:54 am

No reset nessissary, we fixed all damage with some teamwork. Thanks to everyone who pitched in. That includes ME cuz I'm actualy just someone who pitched in... I dont friggin run cavetown AT ALL... just a resident who was allowed permission to build his crazy vision in the storeroom... so PLEASE stop asking me if you can build a house at c-town. Talk to the mayor. You wouldnt knock on your neighbor's house and ask him for a building permit, and I'm just one of the neighbors.

Thanks for the apology Jon, I DID get the "Unnessisarily complex Security System" up and working again. Somehow knowing I was not the intended target helps. My security system will probably be more of a neusance to Fallen then 200 well placed TNT could ever be though, so best leave it be.

Thanks more for the honesty. You were quite civil and upfront about everything. Now we can be certain of what was done by you and what was done by someone else... who was far less honest about their theft.

Odd, that you can devistate c-town and come out looking far better then "someone" who just looted afew chests.

EDIT: NOT all damage repaired. Still need to redo the library and Fallen's office. Recommend the contents of Banned Jon's vault be put in the Disaster Relief Fund.
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Re: Ctown theif and griefer

Post by Maxloader » February 9th, 2011, 9:12 am

When a disturbance like this occurs, the best you can do is just to leave it like it is (so i can find out who did it, cuz every block mutation is logged on playername).
Then i can use the backup to rollback. (in extreme cases i can rollback a certain area)

So is there anything left to be investigated? (i believe the stealing incident?)
Or something to pull out of the backup?

All this i will do tonight (about 17:00)
Recommend the contents of Banned Jon's vault be put in the Disaster Relief Fund.
Will do!
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Re: Ctown theif and griefer

Post by jonbeam » February 9th, 2011, 9:56 am

Recommend the contents of Banned Jon's vault be put in the Disaster Relief Fund.
lol go ahead

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