You can check the current bukkit (recommended) version here: (top right of the website)
So if bukkit isnt updated yet, the mods can't update for the new bukkit as well -.-
This is how an update goes down:
1. Notch updates the server software
2. The Bukkit team has to modify their Bukkit api (plugin loader)
3. The plugin teams have to modify their plugins to suit the new Bukkit
4. I have to download the new bukkit version plus all the mods.
5. Basicly install the server from scratch, checking each config file from each mod line per line if there is some settings added/removed.
Hence why i only want to do this when i am pretty sure everything is ready.
General Server update procedure
- Maxloader
- Server Owner
- Posts: 1582
- Joined: September 22nd, 2010, 12:03 am
- IGN: Maxloader
- Location: Zoetermeer, the Netherlands
General Server update procedure
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